Chapter 165

Sitting on a chair, eating hot steamed buns and drinking original fragrant soy milk, these days are simple, but they make people feel very peaceful.

In the wind blowing on the face, there is a faint fragrance of flowers, which is refreshing.

"Grandpa, is there any good and cheap grocery store near here?"

Yun Jinli didn't have a lot of money left, so she had to save some money.

She is not familiar with this place, even if she doesn't have much memory about this city in her mind.

She only knew that Hua Nu was born here, but it was a pity that it was regarded as an ominous scourge, and was expelled and abandoned far away.

"Girl, this street is not the most prosperous area in the city. Because there is a haunted house over there, few people come here, and the things are not expensive. In the past, the old shop diagonally opposite sold a lot of things. You can buy everything you need. Available for purchase."

The old man selling steamed stuffed buns said that this street was quite busy at first, but after the haunted house appeared many years ago, it became deserted.

Because the rent here is very cheap, there are still people who open shops here, and the price is naturally much cheaper, otherwise no one would patronize at all.

"Thank you, old man!"

Yun Jinli thanked them, and took them to a grocery store not far away.

The store has a complete range of items, and the prices are very affordable. The owner is honest and didn't ask for a hanging price.

They bought their daily necessities and continued walking along the street.

Yun Jinli discovered that this street was built along a river, and there were flowers and trees planted by the river, stretching in a large area, which was very spectacular.

The most shops along the street were flower shops, which made Ye Zhule happy to bloom. Along the way, he took all the coins he had on his body to buy flower seeds.

"Why are these shops closed in broad daylight?"

Yun Jinli saw that there were several connected shops on the street, all of which had their doors locked, making the street, which was not crowded with people, look a bit depressed.

"This is the girl's first visit to our Nanfeng Street, right? These shops have not been opened for many years. Someone once wanted to rent them, but they couldn't find the owner. They have been abandoned for many years."

A passer-by next to him said, people who come here often know that these houses are vacant, and only those who come here for the first time will have such doubts.

"Then why is no one secretly occupying this building?"

Ye Zhu couldn't believe that no one was interested in such a good location.

"Oh! You have to have the guts! I heard that these shops belong to the owner of the haunted house. Who would dare to occupy them without permission? Isn't that looking for bad luck?"

Passers-by suddenly changed expression when they heard the words, and quickly shook their heads and said.

Many people have seen the horror of that haunted house.

Those who dared to go in and find out, never came back.

Even the big families are helpless in the haunted house, let alone ordinary people like them?
"So it's here!"

Yun Jinli remembered how many land deeds she had. She didn't know the exact locations at first, but now it seems that they are these few shops.

"Jin, there's a stall over there, let's go and have a look."

Xilingtian saw a stall with various stones on the side, and became a little interested in it.

"Okay. If you like something, I'll buy it for you."

Yun Jinli knew that Xilingtian was penniless, and if he wanted something, she would still help him.


Xi Lingtian nodded, not being polite to Yun Jinli.

These stones look ordinary, but there may be precious spiritual stones inside.

It's just that the outer stone skin has not been opened, and the internal situation cannot be seen.

(End of this chapter)

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