Chapter 173 Freedom Feels So Good

The Hua Mansion and Yu Mansion in Yunchuan City were festively decorated with lanterns and festoons, creating a joyous atmosphere.

The focus of the whole city's attention is on these two mansions. The official marriage of the two mansions will cause some subtle changes in the power of the eight major families.

So no one knew that there was already smoke rising from the south house that had been abandoned for a long time.

Yun Jinli personally cooks and prepares dinner for everyone. There are a lot of fresh ingredients in the kitchen, which looks red and green.The red ones are peppers and the green ones are vegetables.

She cut up the ingredients and put them aside, while fragrant rice was cooked in the pot.

After a long time in Xiling Tian, ​​the house has completely changed its appearance.

Except for the front door and the back door, the house cannot be entered from other places.

Even standing on the wall, you can't see what's going on inside, as if you've fallen into the clouds.

He also specially arranged the main entrance and the back entrance, which made the whole mansion even more mysterious.

After the carpenter Lengjiu settled his sister, he made the plaque that Yun Jinli asked for impromptu. He was very skilled and carved the words written by her on it, as if she had written them herself.

After finishing the plaque, he took the tools and repaired the winding corridors in the house.

This house has been unoccupied for a long time, and many places need to be repaired. He repaired the places where people often walk first to avoid accidents.

Ye Zhu hurt each other with those stones for a long time, and finally admitted that the ones he chose were all scum.

As for why Xilingtian didn't say it when he bought the stone, it was because he knew that Ye Zhu wouldn't believe it, so he didn't bother to waste his time talking.

Looking at the stones on the ground, Ye Zhu had a depressed expression on his face.

However, he was naturally optimistic and cheerful, so he quickly pulled himself together, arranged the crushed stones, and then took out the flower seeds bought today, so that these crushed stones were covered with flowers and plants, which looked very beautiful.

He planted the newly bought seeds in the garden, adding new bright colors to the originally lush green yard.

After finishing these flowers and plants, he went back to tidy up the house.

When he returned to the conservatory he had chosen, he saw that there was no thick dust in it, and he thought it was Xilingtian who helped.

"That guy is really awkward! He was willing to help me, but he just said no."

A happy smile appeared on his baby's face, and he felt so happy for the first time.

Even though he was borrowing to live here, he felt that this place was warmer than his home.

This time, he spent a lot of money and bought a lot of flower seeds.

There are many empty flower pots in this flower room. He buried the seeds in them, and then used his spiritual power to make the seeds grow.

All of a sudden, his deserted little house was filled with colorful flowers.

There is only a small bed in his room, surrounded by various plants and flowers, it feels really wonderful!
"I've wanted to have such a room for a long time, and I finally got my wish."

He lay on the crib and said contentedly.

He is in charge of taking care of food, clothing, housing and transportation in the Ye family. No matter what he does, he is under the supervision of others, and he can't do whatever he wants.

The room of the dignified young master of the Ye family is naturally carefully arranged, and he will not be allowed to randomly arrange flowers and plants.

Now this place is completely in accordance with his wishes. Seeing the sunlight leaking from the top of his head and shining in the greenhouse, a satisfied smile bloomed on his face.

"It turns out that freedom feels so good!"

He closed his eyes and enjoyed this moment quietly, only feeling that life was so beautiful.

(End of this chapter)

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