Chapter 174

The mellow and clear amber sunlight flows among the pavilions and pavilions in the garden, and in the slightly drunken wind at dusk, it exudes an intoxicating fragrance of plants and trees.

The stone tables in the garden are filled with delicacies.

Several people sat around eating together, which seemed particularly lively.

"Girl, your cooking skills are really good, better than the best cook in our clan!"

Ye Zhu is a foodie, so he ate three bowls of white rice without stopping.

Everyone else has finished eating and is drinking the fragrant hot soup.

Her cooking skills are particularly good, and every dish is exquisitely cooked, with a full range of colors, flavors, and flavors.

This dinner made everyone very full.

"Tomorrow, there will be a gathering of young talents at Lianhu Lake in the west of the city. Will you go?"

After Yun Jinli finished drinking the soup, she hung a lamp on a hanging branch and lit it.

The night is approaching, the twilight is coming together, the setting sun has converged to the bright brilliance, and the sky is hazy and blurred.

"Liangmei and elder brother won't go out anymore. Elder brother said the plaque has been made and you can come and pick it up at any time."

Liang Mei answered, conveying Leng Jiu's words.

The brothers and sisters seldom show their faces outside, and she almost stays inside the house almost without leaving the door.

Now she can still walk around the courtyard and garden, which is much better than before.

"If you don't go out, Leng Jiu remembers to go out for a walk with Liang Mei more often. There are no outsiders in our house, so you can walk around as you like. If you stay in the house all day, your sister will be bored."

Yun Jinli knew that the two of them were in a special situation, so she didn't like to go out, so she didn't force them.

"I can hang the plaque at the gate of the house tomorrow for me with cold wine. I'm afraid I won't hang it well, and it will be bad if it falls off."

It is better for professionals to do things like hang plaques.

Leng Jiu nodded when he heard the words. He didn't know where the plaque was going to be hung before, but now that he knew it was hanging on the gate of the house, he knew what to do.

"Those parties that are boring are all a group of idiots showing off and comparing each other."

Ye Zhu said with a lack of interest that he really didn't like the gathering of these rich and powerful young talents.

"Although the party is boring, there should be a lot of delicious food."

As soon as Yun Jinli's voice fell, Ye Zhu's attitude changed immediately.

"I think it's worth going there. I'll take you guys there tomorrow to learn more!"

When Ye Zhu heard that there was food available, even if it was boring to go there, it was still possible to have a meal.

Anyway, those snacks are free, and they must be provided by Huajia and Yujia, so it won't be too bad.

"At that time, I will bring some delicious food for Xiao Liang to try again!"

"Then it's decided, Xiao Tian and I will go with the little fat man tomorrow."

Yun Jinli glanced at Xilingtian, and he knew what she meant without saying too much.

Xi Lingtian nodded, expressing that he understood her arrangement.

Because Xilingtian can't reveal his identity for the time being, so as not to cause trouble, he can only use Ye Zhu's identity to go to this party.

At that time, people from the Xiling family can be found secretly. As for the specific arrangement, it depends on the situation.

"There are meals and rice in the kitchen. If you are hungry, you can get some food yourself."

Yun Jinli was worried that they would be hungry at home, so she warned them carefully.

"In addition, we need to discuss the specific details of our trip to Lianhu tomorrow..."

Leng Jiu and Liang Mei went back to rest, and the rest of the people discussed tomorrow's party in the garden.

Ye Zhu had no objections, and mainly listened to Yun Jinli's arrangement.

She was the youngest among the three, but she spoke with the most authority.

No one would have imagined that the current owner of this huge house would be a cardamom girl!
(End of this chapter)

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