Chapter 175 The Flawless Woman

In the west of Yunchuan City, the lotus lake is wide and vast.

The pink and tender lotus blooms gracefully on the jade plate and green leaves, and the butterflies rest between the golden stamens.

The warm wind blows and the fragrance hits people.

A painting boat shuttles among the flowers, and the sound of silk, bamboo and string music floats from the island in the center of the lake.

There is a small island in the middle of this lotus lake, and there is a beautiful building on the island, named Suzaku Tower.

Looking from a distance, you can feel the grandeur of this Zhuque Tower.

On a small boat with leaves, Yun Jinli sat on the prow of the boat, propping her small head with her hands, watching the graceful lotus leaves swaying in the wind with her nimble eyes, as if she was in a forest.

Bai Li lay on her shoulder, looking at the slowly approaching Zhuque Tower through the lotus leaves.

With Ye Zhu personally leading them, the group of them successfully obtained the qualification to go to the island.

Ye Zhu stretched out his hand to scoop up a handful of water, raised crystal water, and sprinkled it on the top.

Xilingtian stood upright on the boat, and his elegant clothes could not hide his nobility.

"Do you know what Suzaku Building is most famous for?"

Ye Zhu broke off a lotus pod, put it in front of Yun Jinli, and said mysteriously.

"I don't know."

Yun Jinli has just arrived here, and her understanding of Yunchuan City is limited to the records on those scrolls.

She has not had time to understand many details.

"I heard that the Suzaku Building is a magical place. This building will not fall down for a thousand years, and it will be immortal for ten thousand years. It is a building that has been missed by time."

Ye Zhu told what he knew, that this building existed longer than the imperial palace, but even after countless years, this Suzaku building still stands.

Even the wind, frost, snow and rain did not fade the color, and the bright gold paint seemed to be freshly applied.But everyone knows that this Suzaku building has never been repaired and refurbished, and it has never been eroded by the years.

"But that's not what it's best known for."

He paused, arousing everyone's curiosity, and then continued.

"I heard that there is a Suzaku in the Suzaku Building, but no one has seen it. I heard that the Suzaku likes to hear the beautiful rhythm. There is a stone qin at the entrance of the Suzaku Building. No one has understood the mystery so far."

"The Suzaku Building is still the same as before, without any change."

There is such a Suzaku building in Xilingtian's memory, and this building is exactly the same as in his memory.

Obviously, countless years have passed, and dynasties have risen and fallen, but it is still standing here.

"This Zhuque Tower is the residence of Snow Emperor's beloved. It's just that although Qionglou Yuyu is there, the beauty of the country is not there."

Xilingtian felt infinite emotion in his heart, the reason why this building was once famous all over the world was because there lived the woman Snow Emperor loved.

I heard that she is the most beautiful woman in the world, with a jade face as beautiful as a fairy.Her slender hands can play the most beautiful piano sound in the world.She has the most beautiful singing voice, just like the sounds of nature in the world.

That woman's talent is peerless, and she has gathered all the spiritual energy in one body, which can be said to be flawless.

It's just that he never met that woman, and the legend about her is as mysterious as Xue Di.

"Little fat man, is that the stone harp you're talking about?"

The boat had already docked, and Yun Jinli saw many people gathered in front of the Zhuque Tower.

Being so close to the Suzaku Tower, she felt more clearly the majestic and domineering rushing towards her face.

"That's right! It's this stone harp. I don't know what the secret is, and no one has been able to guess it so far."

Ye Zhu nodded, and through the crowd, one could see the exquisiteness of the Shiqin.It's just that both the body and the strings are made of stone.

What mystery is hidden in this piano?
(End of this chapter)

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