Chapter 176

"The head of the qin is like a phoenix head, and the tail is like a phoenix tail. It is obviously a qin, but it is like a sleeping phoenix. No matter what secrets are in this qin, just looking at the appearance of this qin is already shocking."

The one who spoke was the gentle and elegant Nalan Qi, and the group of them also arrived in Yunchuan City, and they were by his side at this moment.

"Isn't it just a broken piano? What's so good about it? The strings are all made of stone, and it can't play any sound at all."

Nangong Lianyi pouted and said that she was not interested in these things.

Wearing a chrysanthemum-pattern flowing color dark flower dress, she looked very lively and pretty when she wore it.

An ivory white jasmine hairpin is inserted in the black hair, very simple.

She traveled all the way and didn't have time to dress up carefully, but she looked more refreshing and pretty.

"Little sister, if the answer is too easy to guess, then the mystery of the Shiqin won't last so long. Everyone has come from a long way and worked hard all the way. There are drinks and refreshments here, so you can enjoy them to your heart's content."

Hua Simeng is wearing a brocade brocade pleated ruyi moon dress, covered with gold silk soft smoke, and on the high bun, dotted with rose-colored hibiscus flowers. When she walks, the tassels sway.

She dressed up extremely luxuriously, in order to be the focus of the audience.

"Who is your little sister? Don't mistake relatives."

Nangong Lianyi was self-willed and coquettish in the first place, seeing Hua Simeng dressed up beautifully, she was unhappy at first.Now hearing her words, her powder keg will explode immediately.

"Where did the wild girl come from, dare to talk to our princess like that?"

The maid beside Hua Simeng immediately reprimanded, the famous ladies here are all well-dressed, and all of them are gorgeously dressed. In comparison, Nangong Lianyi looks ordinary and despises her.

"This lady is the jewel in the palm of the Nangong family! Nangong Lianyi!"

Nangong Lianyi felt hot on her face. She used to look down on others for their plain clothes and ridicule her, but now she is also belittled by others.

How could she, the majestic lady of the Nangong family, bear it?

"She is Nangong Lianyi, the genius lady of the Nangong family!"

"She is the most favored little princess of the Nangong family."

"I've only heard her name before, but this is the first time I've seen her in person."

When everyone heard her words, they talked a lot.

When Hua Simeng learned of Nangong Lianyi's identity, she was a little embarrassed.

When the two met for the first time, they formed a bond.

"It's that unreasonable woman again."

Xilingtian still remembered Nangong Lianyi, and had a very bad impression of her. He didn't expect to meet her again on a narrow road.

"Xiaotian, are there any characteristics of the members of your family? Find them first, and then we can make plans!"

Seeing the two of them tearing up as soon as they met, Yun Jinli was happy to watch the show.

"The servant girl of the princess has never met Miss Nangong, so she offends her, please don't take it to heart."

Hua Simeng knows that the Nangong family is very powerful, but as one of the eight major families, she still wants to show face.

"Hmph, this lady can't afford the Princess's apology."

Nangong Lianyi lost face in front of everyone, so naturally she will not let it go.

"Crack! Crack!"

Hua Simeng slapped the maidservant severely in public, the crisp voice was exceptionally loud.

Nangong Lianyi was at a loss when she saw her beating her maid beyond recognition.


A voice as cold as snow fell, and a man in white stepped forward and grabbed Hua Simeng's wrist, preventing her from continuing to beat.

Hua Simeng raised her head and saw a handsome face, those picturesque eyebrows, which people can't forget at a glance.

That fresh and elegant breath came like a spring breeze, making the whole audience fall silent.

(End of this chapter)

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