Chapter 177 The Handsome Mr. Pianpian

Yun Jinli followed the prestige, and saw that plain white figure was very familiar.

The long hair is like running water, pouring down behind him.Between the hair on the forehead, there is a pair of clear eyes, as if hiding a deep valley mountain spring.

At this moment, he is pursing his lips, his brows are slightly furrowed, the light color of his lips is like the color of a lotus flower, elegant and just right.

The white collarbone is somewhat sexy.

The ink orchid pattern on the long sleeves flutters with the wind, making people feel like they can smell the gentle fragrance of a gentleman.

A folding fan was tied around his waist, and he was meticulously dressed.


Hua Simeng looked at the man excitedly, and shouted shyly.

The jade-like man in front of her will be her husband tomorrow.

"Young Master Yu! It's Young Master Yu who is here!"

"He's really handsome."

All the girls looked at Yu Xuanfeng with burning eyes, thinking that such a perfect male god would soon get married, and they simply sighed.

"What a handsome Mr. Pianpian!"

Nangong Lianyi's jade face suddenly turned red, it was the first time she saw such a good-looking man, his elegant and cold demeanor instantly fascinated her, a young girl who had just begun to love her.

"You go back."

Yu Xuanfeng let go of Hua Simeng's hand, and said to the maid beside her.

It's just that the maid girl was afraid of Hua Simeng's punishment, so she didn't dare to retreat to treat her wounds.

"Young Master Yu told you to back down, so you back down."

Hua Simeng glared at her and said, the maid stepped back tremblingly.

She still wanted to say a few more words to Yu Xuanfeng, but he had already walked towards that Shi Qin without giving her another look at all.

Seeing Young Master Yu approaching, everyone quickly moved out of the way, giving Yu Xuan a lot of face.

In just a few seconds, the originally crowded place immediately vacated a road.

Yun Jinli and the others obviously didn't have the consciousness to give way, so after everyone retreated, they stood there alone, especially eye-catching.

Seeing that everyone moved out of the way, Yun Jinli did not panic, but calmly walked in front of Shi Qin.

Xilingtian was secretly looking for people from the Xiling tribe, so he was not here.

"Girl, wait for Master!"

Seeing Yun Jinli passing by, Ye Zhu stepped forward to take a closer look.He was pushed too far by the crowd before, and he didn't even have a chance to see it.

Now that everyone is so self-consciously giving way, he is heartless and rude.

"Who are these two? They are so unconscious."

Seeing that they not only refused to give way, but also stepped forward, some people started talking in private.

"is her!"

"That stinking girl!"

Both Hua Mengmeng and Nangong Lianyi recognized Yun Jinli in an instant. Her clothes were always very simple and elegant, but now she looked fresh and refined like that green lotus among the group of Yingying and Yanyan who were dressed in flowery clothes.

Yu Xuanfeng was very impressed with her, because she didn't look at him at all.

Even if there is an occasional glance, it is full of guard and hostility.

She is the girl next to Young Master Xiao, with that beautiful jade face, even if she doesn't wear any makeup, her plain little face is as delicate as a work of art.

"Why isn't that little beggar by your side today? Could it be that he starved to death on the road?"

Nangong Lianyi was very vengeful, so naturally she couldn't scare people with snakes on such occasions, so she spoke sarcastically to Yun Jinli.

"Sure enough, birds of a feather flock together and people form groups. She is only fit to be with beggars."

Hua Simeng hated Yun Jinli very much, so naturally she would not miss the opportunity to humiliate her.

"You two are full of farts!"

Before Yun Jinli could speak, Ye Zhu uttered a foul language.

"It stinks!"

 Thank you for your support of Geer!Happy Chinese New Year!mwah!
(End of this chapter)

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