Chapter 178

"You fat man is really nosy, you have a fat head and pig brain, and you really match this stinky girl!"

Nangong Lianyi didn't know Ye Zhu, so she began to scold Ye Zhu.

"You treat everyone as low because your heart is low."

Yun Jinli said lightly, she really didn't want to pay attention to such a childish and self-willed young lady like Nangong Lianyi.

It's just that if she insists on pestering her like this, she won't show weakness.

"Don't think you are noble. In fact, you are not as powerful as you think. A piece of advice, don't pretend to be aggressive, and you will be struck by lightning."

She gracefully walked up to Shiqin, looking at the Shiqin at such a close distance, carefully observing its patterns and textures, she felt very familiar.

This pattern is very similar to what she saw on the Vermilion Bird Gate. The owner of this Shiqin may have an inseparable connection with the Vermilion Bird Gate.

"You are so powerful, then unravel the secret of Shi Qin, otherwise I am afraid I have no right to talk about others there."

Hua Simeng knew Ye Zhu's identity. The little fat man who left his name on the Qiankun stele last time had been checked by many families, knowing that he had a high status in the Ye family, so it was not appropriate to offend this person.

She was not as stupid as Nangong Lianyi, she avoided Ye Zhu and only targeted Yun Jinli who seemed to have no background.

"No one has been able to solve the mystery of the Shiqin for thousands of years. I have been here several times and I have not been able to understand the mystery."

Yu Xuanfeng said that it was a relief for Yun Jinli.

However, Yun Jinli did not accept his kindness, and was still full of disgust towards him.

She stretched out her hand to touch the stone qin. This stone qin has been quietly placed here. It has been silent for countless years.

She recalled the scene of opening the Suzaku Gate back then, and secretly started to use the mysterious exercise.

Her fingers touched the stone strings, and she felt golden ripples on the strings.

As soon as she moved her jade finger, there was a beautiful sound coming from the stone harp.

The sound of the piano seemed to float from a very long time ago, resounding clearly in the ears, and passed into the depths of the soul.

At that moment, the entire island in the middle of the lake became quiet, and all the music was silent, except for the faint sound of the zither, which could be heard endlessly.

The sound of the piano seems to have magical power, which can make people intoxicated and unable to extricate themselves.

When the sound of the piano resounded, people seemed to hear the sound of Fengming.

This is a magic piano, and the sound it plays can make people fall into a dream. It is a beautiful dream, and they don't want to wake up.

Not only these people, even Yun Jinli almost fell into it and couldn't wake up.

She seemed to see a beautiful figure of a woman, sitting by the piano and playing slowly.

The ethereal and melodious sound of the piano, the melodious tune, makes people feel as if they hear the flowers blooming in the sun.

"Is she the owner of the Suzaku Building?"

She really wanted to see the woman's appearance clearly, the purple long dress flowed up, she didn't see the face, but she felt that she must be extremely beautiful.

This blurred figure is already overwhelming.

At this time, a clear stream flowed from Zhiyue's tassel and merged into her body, causing her to wake up suddenly.

Her fingers left the strings, and the extremely beautiful sound of the piano stopped abruptly.

When everyone came back to their senses, they were all amazed.

"This piano sound is really beautiful, I have never heard such a beautiful piano sound!"

"What happened just now? Why do I feel like I'm dreaming?"

"It's like the sound of a fairy falling into the mortal world."

Yu Xuanfeng couldn't help but speak, and praised the piano sound.

Yun Jinli didn't say a word, and left the Shi Qin directly, without getting closer to it.

This thing was too dangerous, she just touched it, and almost fell into a hallucination and couldn't wake up.

(End of this chapter)

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