Chapter 179

Shi Qin still didn't change in any way, Yun Jinli knew that the sound of the piano just now was not made by her hand, but the result of her touching the Shi Qin.

It's just that the piano music made her remember deeply, it was indeed wonderful.

However, what she remembers most is not the piano music, but the music player in the phantom.

That purple-clothed woman seemed familiar to her, as if she had seen it somewhere, and even this Zhuque Building became familiar.

The ethereal sound of the piano, the ethereal temperament, the elegant purple dress...

"Could she be that woman in the snowy sea!"

She tried hard to recall her childhood memories, the gorgeous high-rise buildings with flying birds hovering, and the purple-clothed woman playing the piano on the high-rise buildings, all of them were exactly the same.

The peach blossom forest that appeared in the sea of ​​snow, and the scattered fragrant flowers, are like a dream that will never fade.

In the ultimate beauty, there is a deadly danger.

While thinking of the girl in purple clothes in Xuehai, she couldn't help but think of her little brother Polaris.All the uneasiness and panic turned into warmth.Thank you for the days of his company, the path filled with the fragrance of flowers and memories.

"I only wish that the time will grow old, the years will flow, and you and I will be the same. If we meet again by fate, it will be the most beautiful picture."

There was a slight smile on the corner of her lips, and she hoped that one day they would meet again.

"Hey, stop! The account between us has not been settled yet!"

Nangong Lianyi recovered from the sound of the piano, and when she saw Yun Jinli was about to leave, she rushed over and tugged at the corner of her clothes to prevent her from leaving.

"Let go of her!"

A cold and domineering voice fell, and Xi Lingtian walked out of the crowd and came to Yun Jinli's side.

Yun Jinli came here today to help him find his clansmen, but he didn't expect to meet this annoying woman again.

Nangong Lianyi was startled by this domineering voice, and subconsciously let go of her hand.

She looked at Xilingtian, feeling that she should have seen this burly and domineering man.

"What an unreasonable woman!"

Xilingtian glanced at her coldly, pulled Yun Jinli behind him, and made a gesture of protection.

"Who is this person? How dare you say that about Miss Nangong!"

"Isn't he afraid of offending the Nangong family?"

"Dare to openly confront the Nangong family, it is courageous."

Everyone saw that he was so rude to Nangong Lianyi, and their attitudes were different, but everyone knew that the Nangong family was very powerful, so it was obviously not wise to offend the favorite of the Nangong family.

Yun Jinli was protected by Xiling Tian, ​​seeing his tall figure bravely shielding her from the wind and rain, a warm current surged in her heart.

She used to protect him, but this time it was him who protected her.

"If anyone dares to say no to her again, don't blame me for being rude!"

Xilingtian coldly glanced at Nangong Lianyi and Hua Simeng, warning them both.

"I recognize you! You are the beggar who followed this stinky girl last time!"

Hearing his words, Nangong Lianyi immediately thought of Xilingtian.

The boy who was dressed in rags at the beginning, did not expect that after washing, he was quite handsome, but the words that came out of his mouth were still unpleasant.

"Why did you let a little beggar in? You two show the invitation letter. If he sneaks in, let the guards kick him out."

Huasi dreamed that Yun Jinli was in the limelight, and she was extremely jealous.She heard Nangong Lianyi say that this man is a beggar, and the persimmons are still picky.

"What? Can't you get it out? Only noble people are eligible to enter here, not all cats and dogs can come."

Seeing her aggressive look, Ye Zhu was very angry.

The two of them are the people he brought, and nothing can make his friend feel wronged.

(End of this chapter)

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