The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 181 It Doesn't Matter Who She Is

Chapter 181 It Doesn't Matter Who She Is

"I don't know who this girl is?"

Hua Simeng glanced at Qin Yu reluctantly, not wanting to apologize to Yun Jinli.

She had always been aloof in front of Yun Jinli, and she couldn't do it now if she was asked to apologize.

She wanted Yu Xuanfeng to say something for her, but he didn't even look at her, his gaze fell on Yun Jinli with great interest, as if he was full of curiosity about her.

"It doesn't matter who she is, you just need to know that she is my friend of Xilingtian!"

Xilingtian's majestic and domineering voice fell loudly, allowing everyone to hear it clearly.

"Yes! She is also my younger sister, who dares to bully her just because she is young, I will cut you!"

Ye Zhu was originally shocked by Xilingtian's identity, but he was actually a powerful prince of the Xiling tribe. When he heard Xilingtian's words, he immediately jumped out and said.

"Since the girl is a friend of Lord Xiling and Young Master Ye, she can naturally stay."

Huasi dreamed that both of them were protecting Yun Jinli so much, and she didn't know who she was that could make them prefer her so much.

She is just a yellow-haired girl, but the people around her are all extraordinary!

"If you add Young Master Xiao, she has been protected by three of the eight major clans. This is really a miracle."

Yu Xuanfeng became more and more curious about Yun Jinli, how could such a young girl get the respect of the direct descendants of the three major families?

Her origin was a mystery, and he knew almost nothing about her, not even her name.

"Who wants to kick someone out just now? I scared my younger sister, so I can just keep it. Don't you think it's too insincere? And that sharp-tongued woman insulted my big brother with a little beggar, today If you don't apologize, I will be the first to say no!"

Ye Zhu pointed at Nangong Lianyi. He was a fearless master, so he was naturally not afraid of offending the Nangong clan.

"This girl is really sorry, it was the princess who was rude!"

Hua Simeng blushed, and could only apologize to her reluctantly.

"It's not too stupid to know that I'm wrong."

Yun Jinli's answer made her so angry that she was hurt internally, so she could only make amends and laugh, so that her loss would not be too embarrassing.

"Hmph, I won't apologize to this stinky girl! Don't expect me to bow to her!"

Nangong Lianyi pouted and raised her head willfully, raising her chin.

"Lian Yi, what did your parents teach you? Hurry up and apologize to this girl."

A man stepped down from the boat, holding a snow-white civet in his arms.

Dressed in navy blue, with a smile on his handsome face, he looked very harmless.

When Yun Jinli heard the voice and saw the civet in his arms, he remembered seeing this man back then.

He can control birds with the sound of a flute, and he is a beast master. Now it seems that he is a member of the Nangong clan.

She should have guessed that he should be related to the Nangong Clan, after all, the strongest beast masters on Longyuan Continent are all from the Nangong Clan.


Nangong Lianyi originally refused to apologize, but when she saw this person, she immediately turned pale with fright, and her eyes revealed a look of horror.

Without even thinking about it, she apologized to Yun Jinli, then subconsciously took a few steps back and approached Dongfang Shengbing.

Yun Jinli could see that she was instinctively afraid of this man, which meant that this man was not as harmless as he appeared.

"Brother Mu Chen!"

Dongfang Shengbing cupped his hands towards him. They were responsible for bringing Nangong Lianyi to join the people of Nangong clan. Now that Nangong Muchen appeared, he didn't need to care about Nangong Lianyi.

"I have troubled you all to take care of my little sister this way. My little sister is self-willed. Please forgive me if I offended you!"

Nangong Muchen spoke, looked at Yun Jinli, and had some impression of her.

(End of this chapter)

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