Chapter 182 Get out of the way

"Brother Muchen, you are being polite!"

Dongfang Shengbing's attitude towards Nangong Muchen was very special, polite and somewhat guarded.

Yun Jinli saw the guard they showed unconsciously, and knew that Bei Chenjue was right. Although these big clans had good relations with each other, they also had their own precautions.

"He is Nangong Muchen! The number one genius of the Nangong clan, the youngest animal taming master on the mainland!"

All the emissaries present were envoys from various clans. Naturally, they had heard of Nangong Muchen's name, and seeing him in person, they couldn't help being amazed.

"I heard that the two brothers and sisters are both gifted, and they can control spirit beasts at a young age. Especially Nangong Muchen, there are almost no spirit beasts that cannot be tamed. They are really powerful."

"Because he is so powerful, many people don't want to see him grow up, lest he become a threat."

Some people whispered that the news about Nangong Muchen's encounter with a killer ambush had already spread to their clan.

Seeing his safe and sound appearance, everyone knew that those killers could not do anything to him.

"Everyone stop standing outside, let's all go into the Suzaku Tower and talk!"

As the host here, Qin Yu felt a lot of pressure seeing the arrival of so many direct descendants of rich families.

If you take good care of them, you will naturally gain a good impression, but if you offend one, it will be a disaster for them.

When everyone entered the Zhuque Tower, Yu Xuanfeng quickly caught up with Yun Jinli.

"Miss, please stay a little longer. I've met you before in Yuxuanfeng. I don't know if you can tell me how to play the beautiful and melodious sounds of nature with the stone qin just now?"

Yu Xuanfeng likes rhythm, and he can't forget the previous song.

He was eager to know the answer, his eyes full of anticipation.

"Who are you to me? Why should I tell you? Get out of the way, out of the way!"

Yun Jinli's blunt answer left him speechless.

"Hahaha! The girl said it well!"

When Ye Zhu heard her words, she couldn't help laughing.

He remembered that he was also gagged by her words, it was too sharp.

It seems that not only he was treated coldly, but even this heartthrob known as the girl killer was not immune.

"Don't think that being handsome means you can do whatever you want, we girls won't let you do that."

"Fatty don't talk nonsense, let's go in."

Yun Jinli said lightly, her tone extremely calm.

Yu Xuanfeng looked at her back without a trace of nostalgia, and it didn't seem like she was playing hard to get, but simply didn't want to say a word to him.

"Where did I provoke her? Why do you think she is so hostile to me?"

He was baffled by this. When other women saw him, they tried every means to get close to him, with affectionate eyebrows and eyes.

She is completely different, giving him a cold face every time.

"Young Master Yu, I am Nangong Lianyi, the young lady of the Nangong family..."

When Nangong Lianyi saw Yu Xuanfeng for the first time, she felt that it was the type she liked. Seeing Nangong Muchen and the others entered the Zhuque Tower, she secretly came to introduce herself to Yu Xuanfeng.

Yu Xuanfeng just nodded politely, and then walked into the Zhuque Tower, without giving her a chance to continue talking.

"Master Yu nodded to me, does he like me too?"

Nangong Lianyi blushed and said excitedly.

"This little vixen! She shamelessly seduced my husband!"

Seeing that Nangong Lianyi dared to strike up a conversation, Hua Simeng clenched her fists angrily, and anger filled her mind.

She walked forward angrily, and regardless of Nangong Lianyi's identity, she walked past her and knocked her to the ground.

"Oh, it hurts me to death, who doesn't have eyes!"

Nangong Lianyi yelled loudly, crying indiscriminately.

(End of this chapter)

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