The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 183 The 4th Floor of Suzaku Building

Chapter 183 The Fourth Floor of Suzaku Building

Hua Simeng followed the crowd into the Zhuque Tower, leaving only a back view.

Seeing the bright clothes, Nangong Lianyi knew that it was Hua Simeng who pushed her.

But there were so many people coming and going in the crowd, she had no evidence to point out that she did it, so she could only write down the account and find a chance to punish her.

She got up from the ground, patted her dirty clothes, and walked into the Suzaku Building.

If it wasn't for her elder brother Nangong Muchen inside, she would have been torn apart with Hua Simeng immediately.

Thinking of her elder brother's methods, she still couldn't help being afraid for a while, not daring to make him angry.

"Please enter the private room!"

Members of the eight major families have special private rooms, and they are brought into the private rooms by maids one after another.

Just as Ye Zhu stepped into the Zhuque Tower, several anxious people came over.

"Hey! My young master, I finally found you!"

Seeing them approaching, Ye Zhu hurriedly rubbed the soles of his feet with oil and fled.

"Girl, I won't accompany you anymore, let's go first!"

As soon as his voice fell, he ran away without a trace.

"This kid!"

Seeing that he had run away without a trace, Yun Jinli couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"Xiaotian, I will look around by myself. Since you have found the clansman, let's part now!"

She didn't continue to follow Xilingtian, she came to this party to send Xilingtian over.

Now that she has found someone from the Xiling tribe, she feels relieved.

Bai Li waved his paw towards Xilingtian, and he was also a little bit reluctant to part with him so suddenly.We went shopping and had dinner together yesterday, but we left in a hurry today.

There is no banquet that lasts forever, but I didn't expect Xilingtian to leave so soon.

"Jin, the promise I made to you will never change."

Xi Lingtian said that he had caused her a lot of trouble along the way, and she had already done a lot for him.

Yun Jinli nodded. She originally wanted to give Xilingtian some advice, but now he is no longer the innocent Xilingtian who is easy to bully, and he can handle it freely without her needing to mention more.

The Zhuque Tower is magnificent and magnificent, with a copper high platform in the center, which is extremely spectacular.

The surroundings of the circular high platform are all in the shape of peacock tails, inlaid with spiritual beads, emitting a soft brilliance.

At this moment, someone is playing silk and bamboo strings on the high platform. In order to welcome the children of all ethnic groups, a song and dance performance is specially prepared for everyone to enjoy.

The third floor of the Suzaku Tower was full of guests, but she walked to the end of the third floor alone.

"This Suzaku Tower obviously has four floors, why can I only go to the third floor?"

Yun Jinli observed the place, and after reaching the third floor, there was no way to go up.

The fourth floor is the top floor of Suzaku Building, but there is no passage to go up.

"Just now I saw you go around in circles, all around here. It seems that there is no passage to the top floor."

Bai Li said to Yun Jinli that he was also very interested in the secrets of Zhuquelou.

It is impossible to enter the top floor of Suzaku Building from the outside, because the top floor is completely closed.

"No, I must have overlooked something."

Yun Jinli walked around the corridor on the third floor. There must be some mechanism here that she didn't notice, so she couldn't go to the top floor.

She is not interested in these singing and dancing, nor does she want to make friends with these wealthy and famous families, she just wants to know the secrets hidden in the Zhuque Tower.

She had seen this building appear in Xuehai, so she became more and more curious about the owner of this building.

The little brother lost her in Xuehai back then, maybe this building can provide her with some clues about that mysterious place.

She was only worried that her little brother hadn't left Xuehai, so it would be really difficult for them to see each other.

(End of this chapter)

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