The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 184 Who Is Playing the Piano and Singing

Chapter 184 Who Is Playing the Piano and Singing

In her lifetime, she will find a way to go back to Xuehai once, just for her Polaris.

She once went to the mountain where she lost her way to look for it, but she could never find the snowy sea.

It seemed like a dream, but she knew it was real.

Walking in the corridor, she saw that there were mirrors hanging on the walls. These mirrors were all exactly the same, without any difference.

The existence of these mirrors makes the Suzaku Building appear more spacious and bright.

"Xiaobai, do you have any ideas?"

Yun Jinli knew that Bai Li was a know-it-all, so he might be able to guess where the organ was located.

"I think this building is arranged in an array of stars from the sky. If you find the eye of the array, you should be able to enter the upper heaven."

When Bai Li heard that she was going upstairs, he carefully observed the situation here, and with his insight, he saw the mystery of this building.

"I see a total of eight mirrors here, and maybe one mirror is the eye of the formation."

Yun Jinli observed that the mirror on the wall reflected beams of light.

"This is not impossible."

Bai Li saw that the eight mirrors were very regular, but he didn't know which one was the eye of the formation.

Yun Jinli reached out to touch the mirrors on the wall, and suddenly she stopped in front of one of the mirrors.

"It's it."

Yun Jinli reached out to touch the mirror, then turned the mirror over, and saw a passage appeared on the side.

She stepped into the passage by the wall, where there was a staircase going up.

"Xiao Jin, how do you know it's this mirror?"

Bai Li saw that those mirrors were all alike, and even he couldn't tell them apart.

"Because of the temperature."

Yun Jinli had touched these mirrors, but the temperature of this mirror was relatively low.

She remembered that the Suzaku Building in the sea of ​​snow was endlessly cold.

She just subconsciously thought it was it, but she guessed it right.

On the high platform in the Suzaku Building, Hua Simeng has finished dressing up quietly, and is sitting on a chair playing the pipa.

With a smile on her face, she enjoyed everyone's gaze.

She believed that with her talent, she would be able to impress everyone, and even make her future husband, Yu Xuanfeng, have a good impression of her.

A burst of pipa resounded, Yun Jinli went up the stairs and finally reached the end.


She pushed open the locked door, as if she had opened the door of time.

This top floor is a woman's residence. It can be seen from the furnishings and dressing table that a woman once lived here.

The room is very empty, without too many miscellaneous items. A guqin is placed on an exquisite piano platform through the crystal curtain.

The style of this guqin is exactly the same as the stone qin in front of the building, except that this guqin is not made of stone, but a real qin.

She walked to the front of the piano platform, and seemed to be attracted by an inexplicable force, which made her unable to help reaching out to touch the strings.

After the fingers touched the strings, there was a beautiful sound.

She felt that she fell into the mist of dreams in an instant, as if she saw the woman in purple playing the piano.

The fingers played uncontrollably, and the beautiful sound of the piano spread throughout the entire Zhuque Tower in an instant.

The song she sang was an unfamiliar tune, but it was extremely beautiful when it came out of her mouth.

The place she is in is very special, the sound of the piano can be clearly heard everywhere, even in private rooms.

The beautiful singing and piano sound like the sound of nature suddenly overwhelmed the dreamlike flowering pipa sound, making her unable to even have the courage to play.

"Who is playing the piano and singing?"

Yu Xuanfeng, who was still careless at first, suddenly had his eyes lit up, picked up the jade flute and began to play along with the sound of the piano.

(End of this chapter)

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