Chapter 185 Call her Phoenix Qin Fairy

The sound of the jade flute is flying, and the sound of the piano is like a spring.

The perfect ensemble is mesmerizing.

The crystal bead curtain swayed slightly, shining brightly, and made a crisp collision sound.

Bai Li listened to her playing the guqin, as if he saw a phoenix dancing behind her.

He had never heard her sing, and was deeply amazed the first time.

Yun Jinli felt that she was not her at this moment, but another woman, singing a song that didn't belong to her, and playing a tune she was unfamiliar with.

It's just that it's not everything she's familiar with, but she doesn't feel any sense of disobedience.

The past time overlaps with the present, making it difficult for her to tell who she is.

When the song was over, she recovered from that strange state, and then broke out in a cold sweat.

She remembered everything that happened just now, and the sound of the flute that cooperated with each other also left a deep impression on her.

She didn't know why something special happened when she touched the piano, but it didn't seem to be accidental.

"We should go."

She didn't want to cause trouble, so she planned to leave immediately.

Before she left, she saw special lines on the guqin, which looked like a map, and before she could take a closer look, she took the guqin away.

Hearing the sound of the piano disappearing, Yu Xuanfeng searched all over the Zhuque Building, but couldn't find the person playing the piano.

"It must be her!"

He thought of the girl in front of the Suzaku Building, apart from her, there was probably no one else.

The girl who always exudes a mysterious aura is the first person who makes him feel like a bosom friend.

The more mysterious she is, the more he wants to know her.

He wanted to find her, but she disappeared without a trace like a bubble in the air.

Hua Simeng on the high platform is holding the pipa at the moment. After the sound of the piano is over, she wants to play the pipa again, but everyone in the audience is talking about the melodious piano and flute ensemble just now, and she is so angry that she directly stepped off the high platform.

"I don't know who the singing woman is?"

"I remember that voice, it was the woman playing the piano at the door just now."

"That's right, it's the girl that Lord Xiling and Young Master Ye personally protect."

"It's a pity that no one knows her identity and name."

"She is the only one who can play the phoenix qin. I think we can call her the Phoenix qin fairy."

"Phoenix Qin Xian! This title is very appropriate!"

"Wonderful! Wonderful! When you come to Zhuque Tower and hear this song, you can say that I have heard fairy music before."


With the end of the group gathering in the Suzaku Building, the reputation of the Phoenix Qin Fairy spread throughout the Longyuan Continent.

In Yunchuan City, there is a young girl Qinxian who can play the phoenix stone qin, has a natural voice, and has a peerless appearance.

The ensemble of Yu Shao and Qin Xian was even cited as a good story.

People privately said that the two of them were a match made in heaven, and this rumor sounded particularly harsh to Hua Simeng's ears.

"No matter who she is, we must find her out! I want her to know what will happen to her if she offends the princess!"

Hua Simeng ordered to go on, and the guard immediately went to check Yun Jinli's whereabouts.

Besides her, there are other people who want to find her, but she just appeared out of thin air, and no one family knows her origin.

They knew that Lord Xiling must know the girl's background, but no one dared to ask him.

"Uncle Huang, I have sent a message to the Hui clan, and someone will come to pick you up soon."

Xilingying was also very curious about the girl's identity, and wanted to find out from Xilingtian.

"Little Huangshu can actually bring your friend back to the Hui family. I don't know where she is, but I can send someone to pick her up."

(End of this chapter)

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