The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 186 The Legend of Tianlong Iceland

Chapter 186 The Legend of Tianlong Iceland

"I know what you're thinking, but don't expect to know anything from me. You're a smart person, you should know what to do."

Xilingtian gave her a cold look, with a warning in his tone.

"Uncle Huang, I didn't mean anything malicious, so don't think too much about it."

Xiling Ying felt the majesty and domineering emanating from him, and she felt fear in her heart.

She is not a timid person, but at this moment she feels afraid, as if it comes from the instinct of the soul, making her fear him.

"About her, after the Hui nationality, don't say too much."

Xilingtian said calmly that he wanted to protect Yunjinli, so he didn't let Xilingying mention her in the clan, lest she be missed.

He knew that the Xiling people were not monolithic, and that there were ghosts with ulterior motives inside.Someone wants to be against him, but he doesn't know who the enemy is yet.

"Don't worry, Little Emperor, I won't talk about what happened here when I go back."

Xiling Ying replied, her gorgeous face is as bright as a peach blossom.

Xilingtian didn't know how true or false what she said, but he just believed what she said for the time being.

He lives in the hotel now, but he misses that haunted house even more.

When Yun Jinli went back, she saw that the plaque had been hung at the door, and she nodded in satisfaction when she saw the exquisite plaque.

She brought some snacks to Leng Jiu's brother and sister's residence, and then returned to the painting building.

From Liang Mei's mouth, she knew that Ye Zhu had returned long ago, and brought them some snacks.

He didn't go to the hotel of the Ye family, but stayed here, obviously he likes the comfort here.

"Miss! You're back!"

Xiao DianDian was sleeping in the painting building, opened her eyes when she heard the movement, and danced happily when she saw Yun Jinli coming back.

"Dim, I brought you delicious food!"

Yun Jinli took out the pastry, and Xiao DianDian immediately took the delicate pastry and ate it.

"Miss Sister is the best to me, and Dian Dian likes Miss Sister the most!"

Xiaodian said happily, with a sweet smile on her cute little face.

Yun Jinli patted his little head, full of pampering and affection.

She took out the guqin, placed it on the table and looked at it carefully.

"Miss, this is a good baby!"

When Xiaodian saw Guqin, she immediately opened her bright eyes.

He has a special ability to sense Lingbao, and he can tell if it is a treasure at a glance.

She turned the body of the piano over and suspended it in mid-air, and saw a map on it.

This map is imprinted on the body of the piano, and it is integrated with the color of the piano. If you don't observe carefully, you can't see it at all.

"Why is there a map on this guqin? I don't know where it is recorded?"

Yun Jinli wrote down the map, maybe it has something to do with Xuehai.

The terrain of this map is very special, there is an extremely high mountain, surrounded by oceans.She found out the map books of Longyuan Continent, and began to search, and at night, she finally found a place that matched the description.

"Tianlong Iceland."

She saw that it was recorded in the classics that there is a snow-reaching peak in Tianlong Iceland, surrounded by oceans, and no one knows how to get to that island.

It is said that there are dragons living there, but no one has actually seen them. They only know that the dragons are extremely powerful and invincible.

"Xiao Jin, this guqin is related to Tianlong Iceland, so the background is too big!"

Bai Li knew about the existence of Tianlong Iceland, but no outsider could get there alive, and no outsider could leave that island.

"This may be the legendary ancient magic piano."

(End of this chapter)

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