Chapter 192 The first refining pill

Yun Jinli was immersed in the "Danzun Poison Sutra", and when she reached out to touch the stone book, she could see countless contents appearing in her mind.

The amount of information in these contents is extremely huge, and ordinary people can't digest it at all, but she has memorized the countless contents by virtue of her photographic memory.

This "Dan Zun Poison Sutra" also recorded the mysterious Gu technique, and it was also the first time she knew that the silk butterfly Gu in her father's body was almost unsolvable.

She has never been exposed to these before, but she is extremely talented and learns very quickly.

After a sleepless night, she kept this "Danzun Poison Sutra" firmly in her heart.

This book is divided into four volumes, Medical Prescriptions, Poison Code, Gu Jing, and Dan Juan.

The most difficult part is the pill. The alchemy technique in ancient times is different from today's one, and it can refine the elixir with excellent medicinal effect.

It's just that the ancient alchemy techniques have long been lost. People only know that the ancient spirit medicine masters were brilliant for a while, and then after the war of the annihilation of the ancient times, those magical alchemy techniques were lost and submerged in the long river of time.

She left the Phoenix Divine Tower, returned her soul to her body, and began to study the most difficult pill volume in the "Danzun Poison Sutra".

"The elixir masters all use spiritual fire to temper the elixir and condense it into pills. However, the ancient alchemy recorded in this book does not need to use the spiritual fire to temper the elixir. It only needs to extract the essence of the elixir, and then according to a certain It is truly miraculous that the proportions can be blended together to form a pill!"

Yun Jinli learned from the book that there was a kind of elixir called Chiyang Pill, which was just right for her current situation.She remembered all kinds of elixir recorded in the book, and the medicinal herbs needed by Chiyang Pill, she had them all here.

It's just that she has never tried to refine the essence of the elixir, which is still quite a challenge for her.

She took out an ordinary elixir plant and tried to extract the essence of the elixir, but after a long time of research, she could not extract the essence of the elixir.

She carefully recalled the records in the "Danzun Poison Sutra". In ancient times, powerful pharmacists spent their entire lives creating a spiritual treasure to refine the essence of the elixir.

Usually they make medicine tripods, and one medicine tripod is passed down from generation to generation, from master to disciple, and from father to son.

"Could it be because the elixir cauldron is missing?"

She thinks this should be the reason, otherwise everyone can become a powerful pharmacist now, why would it be so scarce?

"Since we want to extract the essence of the elixir and get rid of impurities, then my Weaving Moon Tassel should be fine too."

In a flash of inspiration, she remembered that the Zhiyue tassel can purify the impurities in spiritual energy, so can she use the purifying power of the Zhiyue tassel to extract the essence of the elixir?
After she thought of this, she immediately took action and took the initiative to use the Zhiyue Yingluo.

In the past, the Zhiyueyingluo used to purify her spiritual energy, and she had never used it on her own initiative.

As the power of Zhiyue tassel wraps this elixir, all the impurities are separated, and finally only the essence of the elixir remains.


Yun Jinli looked in surprise at the crystal dewdrop-shaped elixir essence floating in her palm, and quickly took out a bottle to fill it.

After trying a few times, she took out the elixir needed by Chiyang Pill and began to extract the essence.

When several kinds of elixir have been extracted, it's time to come to the most important step, condensing the pill.

According to the pill formula, pure spiritual power is used to condense the pill according to the proportion. If there is a mistake, the pill will be completely destroyed.

Yun Jinli was still very weak at the moment, but she had to cheer up. Whether she could succeed or not depended on this step.

She never thought that one day, she might become a pharmacist.

This was her first time refining elixir, and she was also very nervous.

(End of this chapter)

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