Chapter 193 It Looks Delicious
Yun Jinli concentrates on condensing the essence of several elixir. She has a strong mental arithmetic ability, and the amount of each elixir essence is mixed strictly according to the proportion of the prescription.

When the essence of the elixir was completely fused together, a strong medicinal fragrance emanated out.

Xiao DianDian looked at the glistening elixir, her eyes shone brightly.

The elixir is crimson in color, and it is a small one, but it contains several kinds of elixir.

"This looks delicious!"

"Small, this is a pill, not a snack!"

Yun Jinli saw that she had successfully refined the first pill, and from now on, she was also a pharmacist.

She took this Chiyang Pill, and a burst of vitality immediately merged into her body. With the vitality injected from the elixir, she managed to maintain the balance between life and death in her body.

This time she was too adventurous, without any preparation, she hastily consumed so much life and spiritual power.

If it wasn't for refining the Chiyang Pill, her own life would be in danger.

But if she chooses again, she will still try her best to restore Bai Li's broken demon core.

She brought some elixir from the fairy sea, and she decided to take the time to refine them into elixir.

"Actually, alchemy is not as difficult as imagined!"

She said with emotion, after actually refining a elixir, she felt that it was not as difficult as imagined.

If other people hear this, they will definitely vomit blood.

Only a genius like her was able to teach herself the ancient alchemy technique, and she successfully refined the not-low-grade Chiyang Pill for the first time.

As Zhiyue said, there are indeed surprises on the second floor of the Phoenix God Tower.

This "Danzun Poison Sutra" can be said to be a wonderful book, if it is in the world, it will definitely cause a bloody battle.

However, there are countless rare treasures on her body, and throwing out any of them will make people jealous.

"Tomorrow is an important day, I have to adjust my state."

She closed her eyes and practiced. Tomorrow is the wedding day between the Yu family and the Hua family. How could she be absent?
Regarding Bai Li's departure, she believed that there was his reason.

In the dark night, a ghostly figure was chasing a white fox.

A flying blade floated in his hand, and it fell towards the white fox. The blade cut through the fox's flesh, turning its blood into pitch black.

This flying blade is highly poisonous and can corrode flesh and blood.

Seeing that it was hit by the flying blade, the black shadow immediately sped up to catch up. The white fox felt the breath of death approaching, stopped suddenly, and turned in one direction.

The white fox's speed was very fast, and it got into the hotel where all ethnic groups gathered, and then the breath disappeared without a trace.

"Cunning guy!"

Feeling Baili's breath disappear, Soi Ying cursed angrily.

"You have been poisoned by the corpse, even if you can escape for a while, you will definitely die."

His hoarse voice was somewhat smug.

The son of the Longyuan clan lives in this hotel. He is not afraid of any clan, but if he goes in directly, if he offends the eight clans, he will not be able to gain a foothold in the mainland.

The background of the eight major families is very strong, in this hotel, he can only look for Bai Li's whereabouts secretly, and he can't be too blatant.

Bai Li stumbled into a yard and passed out in the grass.

Before he passed out, he was lucky that he didn't drag Yun Jinli down. At the moment when the demon core condensed, he uncontrollably exuded an aura of tyranny, which attracted that person.

His minions are all over the world, no matter where his aura appears, he will be found.

(End of this chapter)

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