Chapter 195 This is to make trouble

Even though the Yu family deliberately asked the servants not to disturb others and searched for Yu Xuanfeng in private, but it has been three days and still no Yu family went to the Hua family to greet the relatives, and everyone knew that something was wrong.

Hua Rumeng, who had long been dressed in a wedding gown and a dozen catties of phoenix crowns, was sitting at home, waiting for her sweetheart to marry with great anticipation.

"The best man in the world is about to become my husband-in-law! No one can stop me from getting him!"

Hua Simeng's bright red lips raised wanton arcs towards both sides.

This is a marriage that she personally snatched. How can that humble flower slave be worthy of the dignified Young Master Yu?

Only she is qualified to be the wife Yu Shaoming is marrying. Whether he is willing or not, the deal is done. In order to preserve the face of the Yu family, he has no way out.

It was she who spread the news and let the whole world know about their marriage. In this way, Yu Xuanfeng was forced to marry her.

The most important thing for a famous family is face. As the son of the Yu family, his marriage is the order of his parents and the words of the matchmaker. How can he make up his own mind?

Even if he is the aloof young master Yu, he will not be exempt after all.

"At this hour, why hasn't the Yu family come to welcome the bride?"

Hua Simeng looked left and right and waited for a long time, the heavy headgear almost broke her neck, and she didn't wait for the news that Young Master Yu came to welcome her, so she couldn't help but sit still.

"Reporting to the princess, the servants don't know!"

The maid who dressed beside Hua Simeng replied tremblingly that they all knew that the princess was cruel and merciless towards the servants.

Even her personal maids were beaten to death by her, let alone ordinary maids like them?

If you offend her a little, it is likely to be a severe beating.

"What's the use of the princess raising you a bunch of trash? Why don't you go out and ask?"

Hua Simeng scolded coldly, if it weren't for her wedding day today, she would have to take their skin off.

"Yes Yes!"

The maidservants hurried out of the room, dripping with cold sweat.

The fire could not be covered with paper, and the disappearance of Young Master Yu was soon discovered.The envoys of all ethnic groups gathered in the Yu Mansion, but the bridegroom was not seen for a long time, and after a random check, it was known that Young Master Yu had disappeared early in the morning.

"Young Master Yu, this is something to do!"

When Ye Zhu heard that Yu Xuanfeng had disappeared, he couldn't help but speak.

"But I wouldn't marry that ugly girl! It seems that Young Master Yu is not stupid. This marriage escape is really justified, justified!"

He commented without hesitation, which made the members of the Yu family look very ugly.

"Fatty, this is someone's house after all, don't speak so bluntly!"

Xilingtian patted Ye Zhu's shoulder, and what he said was obviously persuasion, so why did it sound even worse?
"Brother Tian, ​​you are the one with the worst belly! Of course, except for the girl!"

Seeing that Xilingtian was also here, Ye Zhu winked and said.

I thought it would be boring to give gifts, but I didn't expect the groom to run away on the day of the wedding, which was really fun.

"It seems that things are getting more and more interesting."

Nangong Muchen gently stroked the white civet in his arms, with a harmless smile on his face, making it impossible for anyone to guess what was going on in his heart.

"Young Master Yu is a fairy-like figure, how can he be worthy of that vulgar fan?"

Nangong Lianyi originally fell in love with Yu Xuanfeng at first sight, but now that she heard the news of his escape from marriage, she was instantly elated.

"He is not good enough for Young Master Yu, but you, a savage lady, are not good enough for him either, okay?"

Ye Zhu still remembered that Nangong Lianyi had a feud with Yun Jinli, and when he caught her, he would say something bad.

"Go back and look in the mirror, don't make crows laugh at pigs black."

"You fat man, how dare you insult Miss Ben!"

Nangong Lianyi was trembling with anger, glaring at Ye Zhu angrily, wishing to go up and bite him.

(End of this chapter)

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