Chapter 196 What a shame

"Who are you calling a fat man? You short winter melon."

Ye Zhu is a master who does not suffer, so he immediately fought back.

"If you dare to say one more word, I will let Xiaohong bite you to death!"

Nangong Lianyi took out the little snake she raised and said angrily.

"Help! Someone is going to let the snake bite!"

Ye Zhu immediately yelled loudly, making everyone look at him in unison.

"Lianyi, don't mess around!"

Nangong Muchen glanced at Nangong Lianyi lightly, her hands trembled in fright, and she quickly put away the little snake, not daring to make a sound.

When Ye Zhu saw that the little witch was so afraid of her brother, she secretly kept her mind on it.

This little witch is fearless, but she is extremely afraid of her own brother, which shows that this person is not as harmless as she appears on the surface, and she will not even be soft on her own sister.

If this kind of person can not be provoked, he should not provoke him.

The news of Young Master Yu's escape from marriage spread like wildfire, spreading throughout the city, and also reaching Hua Simeng's ears.

Her head exploded with a "bang", and she felt a thunderbolt from the blue sky, and she was stunned.

"How is it possible? How could he escape from marriage?"

She was so angry that she was trembling all over, her face was extremely pale, like a piece of paper.

For her, this is simply a great shame!
This slap hit her face, it was scorching hot, and the silence was louder than the sound, it directly made her feel ashamed.


Everything in the room was smashed by Hua Simeng.

"Young Master Yu, he will definitely marry me! This must be all fake!"

She rushed out like crazy, got on the horse, and went to Yu Mansion to find Yu Xuanfeng herself.

"Look, that's Princess Hua. It's so ironic to hear that Young Master Yu would rather run away than marry her..."

"Isn't it? Now who doesn't know the news about Young Master Yu's escape from marriage?"

"Young Master Yu refuses to marry her, it must be because she can't get into the eyes of Young Master Yu! How charming is Young Master Yu..."

"Only she dares Xiao Xiangyu to be young. It's a fool's dream."

All kinds of pointing and pointing discussions along the way made Hua Simeng burn with anger.

Those women who admire Yu Shao are all gloating at the moment.

"Have you heard? There is a reason for Yu Shao to escape from marriage. I heard that Princess Hua brutally killed Yu Shao's original fiancée. Such a vicious woman, Yu Shao is definitely not willing to marry."

Someone in the teahouses in the streets and alleys released such a news, which immediately ignited an upsurge of discussion among the people.

"Really? There is such a thing?"

People's curiosity was aroused, and they felt that things were getting more and more tortuous.

"That's natural. I heard that Young Master Yu was originally married to Miss Hua's fingertips."

"Why have I never heard of the eldest lady of the Hua family? It seems that the only direct descendant of the Hua family is the young master!"

"I know about this. Miss Hua family heard that she has no spiritual roots, she was born without a mother, and was abandoned by Hua family."

"That's really a poor man!"

When everyone heard about her life experience, they all sighed with emotion.

"Missy was abandoned in the remote Liuge City. In order to snatch Yushao, Princess Hua hung up the poor girl in public, beat her seven times and 49 times, and beat her to death. At that time, many people I saw it, but no one dared to save her!"

When the people in the teahouse heard these words, they were all filled with righteous indignation.

Originally, there were people who sympathized with Princess Hua when Yu Shao escaped from marriage on the day of her wedding. After hearing these words, they felt that she deserved it.

Each clan has its own intelligence network, so you can find out whether this matter is true or not.

Because of Yu Shao's disappearance, everyone passed on the secret of escaping marriage from mouth to mouth, which involved the abandoned daughter of the Hua family. It was the first time that this insignificant abandoned daughter was known to everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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