Chapter 197 I'm Your Fiancee

At the same time, the male protagonist who escaped marriage this time is in a small black room at this moment, his body is tightly bound by invisible silk threads, and he cannot move at all.

In this dark place, he felt that someone was staring at him, but he saw nothing.

His body was exceptionally cold, as if submerged in winter lake water, the air was emitting a chill.

"Who is there?"

There was a bit of anxiety on Yu Xuan's handsome face.He frowned, even though he was a little uncomfortable in the dark, he was still cool and elegant in white clothes and ink paintings.

No one answered him, only his voice, echoing in the darkness.

After his eyes got used to the darkness, he could see that this place should be a secret room.

There was no one else in the secret room except him.

But that gaze was always there, staring at him all the time.

"Clap! Clap!"

The sound of water suddenly appeared in the silence, and each sound was very clear.

"Husband...I'm so cold..."

Suddenly, a woman's voice came from his ear, so ethereal and far away, but whispered in his ear.

"I died so badly, come down and accompany me!"

The next moment, he felt a pair of extremely cold hands on his shoulders, but he still didn't see anything, he just felt the weight on his shoulders.

This should not be a human, he should have encountered a ghost!

Such a lingering ghost made him feel dangerous.

"Who are you? What do you want to do by tying me here?"

Yu Xuanfeng's cold voice was full of anger, he was kidnapped silently last night.

Everyone was busy preparing for his wedding, no one thought that someone would have the audacity to kidnap Young Master Yu.

The most important thing is that Young Master Yu is not weak, even if someone wants to kidnap him, there will be movement, alarming the elders in the mansion.

Before, he couldn't figure out how the other party restrained him silently, so that he could not resist and take him away.At this moment, he wanted to understand the reason, the one who kidnapped him was not human at all.

"Husband, I am your fiancee! Do you still remember the fiancee who married your fingertips?"

The other party's voice lingered in Yu Xuanfeng's ears, reminding him of the marriage contract before.It's just that he has never seen that woman, she was sent away when she was just born.

"You cruelly abandoned me and let me be beaten to death by your new love, I am so unwilling..."

The faint voice resounded through the secret room, allowing Yu Xuanfeng to hear it clearly.

"The whip fell on me, and my skin was torn apart. All of this is thanks to you!"

After her words fell, Yu Xuanfeng heard the sound of the piano coming through the stone gate. The next moment, he saw a picture of Hua Simeng beating Hua Nu with a whip, which was also Hua Nu's memory.

That shocking memory image was reflected in Yu Xuanfeng's eyes, allowing him to clearly see what kind of femme fatale the woman he was about to marry was.

His face was a little pale. He didn't intend to hurt that innocent woman, but she was beaten to death because of him.

For that fiancée whom he had never met before, he felt guilty in his heart.

"What do you want?"

After knowing the cause and effect, he regained his inner peace and asked the air.

"Husband, since we were never destined to be husband and wife, let's become a ghost couple! Today is a good day, let's get married here!"

The woman's faint voice made Yu Xuanfeng shudder.

This secret room originally had an isolation barrier, and Yun Jinli raised the corners of her lips outside the secret room.

She asked Shili Lianye to kidnap Yu Xuanfeng, let's see how they end up today!
(End of this chapter)

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