The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 198 The Flower Blooms and Falls Ruthlessly

Chapter 198 The Flower Blooms and Falls Ruthlessly

Yunchuan City was in chaos, both the Yu family and the Hua family were looking for Yu Xuanfeng's whereabouts.

In the lobby of the main residence of the Hua family, the main face of the Hua family was clearly very angry.

Hua Simeng sat on the seat below and cried into tears.

"It's so deceiving! If the Yu family doesn't give us an explanation, our Hua family will definitely not let it go!"

The owner of the Hua family slapped the table and shouted angrily, Yu Xuanfeng's escape from marriage was a slap in the face of the Hua family, and now their Hua family has become the laughing stock of the world.

"Father, why did I hear people outside say that Yu Shao escaped from marriage because of the things his cousin did, so he escaped on the wedding day."

Hua Wuqing, the young master of the Hua family, said that he had heard the servants talking about it, and now the streets and alleys were talking about it, so it was hard for him to know.

"Uncle, don't listen to their nonsense, I didn't do those things at all, it's all because of their spouting!"

Hua Simeng bit her lip, feeling a little panicked.Even if that little slut is a slave, she is still the eldest lady of the Hua family in name.

She originally thought that this matter would be buried underground forever with Hua Nu's death, but she didn't expect that it would be known all over the city today.

"Have you ever done it? You know best in your heart that everything happens for a reason. If you haven't done it, how could there be such rumors?"

The young master Hua Wuqing heard that Hua Simeng was cruel to his servants, and it is not impossible that he would do that kind of thing.

It's just that that person is his sister after all, and his father sent her away without telling him. He was told by his father that she was dead since he was a child.

Only now did he know that his sister was not dead, but was abandoned.

"Cousin, why do you believe what outsiders say!"

Hua Simeng wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and looked at Hua Ruqing angrily.

He has never cared about any trivial matters, has been practicing outside, and has not come back until now, so he is not close to Hua Simeng.

"Okay, don't quarrel anymore! Even if Meng'er got rid of the disaster star for our family, it would be a disaster. When the disaster star was born, an expert judged that she would harm our whole family. She lived One day, it's all my heart disease."

Patriarch Hua said coldly, if he cared about that daughter's life, he wouldn't let her live outside.

He has long forgotten that there is such a daughter, let alone whether she is dead or alive.

"Father, that is your daughter after all! How dare you treat her like this!"

Hua Wuqing said sadly that his younger sister hadn't had a good day since she was born, and he was really ashamed of her as a big brother.

"You want to inherit our Hua family in the future, how can you be so indecisive? I named you Wuqing, just to let you always remember that only Wuqing can become a master!"

Patriarch Hua sneered at his words, he prefers the ruthless Hua Simeng to the weak-tempered Hua Wuqing.

"Don't worry, Meng'er, we have already sent someone to find Yu Xuanfeng, uncle will definitely make the decision for you!"

He nodded towards Hua Simeng, doting on her very much.

"Thank you uncle!"

Hua Simeng let go of her heart, it seems that even if she is discovered, no one can do anything to her.

Even Patriarch Hua didn't care about that Hua slave's life or death, so it was conceivable that her life was a tragedy.

"There is always cause and effect in the world, and the evil results you have planted will eventually have retribution!"

Hua Wuqing flicked his sleeves and walked out of the lobby angrily, not wanting to stay here for a while.

Everyone's indifferent faces made him feel chilled.

This huge flower family is actually so cold, without a trace of warmth.

"Fate comes and goes like water, flowers bloom and fall without mercy."

He looked at the falling flowers in front of the court and sighed lightly.

The fate between him and his sister was broken so early.

"If you can know that you are still alive earlier, maybe it can be saved."

(End of this chapter)

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