Chapter 206

The news of all ethnic groups is very well-informed, and when they heard that Young Master Yu appeared, they all rushed to Hua's house.

"Didn't you say that Young Master Yu ran away from marriage? Why did he show up again?"

"Things seem to be getting more and more interesting."

"Wouldn't it be a pity not to see such a wonderful thing?"

"I don't know what happened to Yu Shao, I have to go and see for myself to find out."

Everyone went to Hua's house with different purposes, and arrived at the door of Hua's house with Yu Xuanfeng almost at the same time.

"Everyone, please come in!"

So many sons and daughters of big families gathered here, the Hua family couldn't refuse the door, so they all entered the Hua mansion together.

The magnificent Huafu has made full preparations for the big wedding, with lights and festoons everywhere.

Wearing a bright red wedding gown, Hua Rumeng hurriedly came to the hall, seeing Yuxuan's handsome figure, couldn't help but widen her eyes excitedly.

He is so outstanding, even in the crowd, you can find him at a glance.

"Young Master Yu, you are here to apologize! If you have something to delay the wedding, we will postpone the wedding for a few more days."

Patriarch Hua sat on the main seat, and he finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Yu Xuanfeng coming.

He couldn't find anyone for most of the day, and he thought that Yu Xuanfeng really escaped marriage.

Now that he appeared, it seemed that the Yu family was coming to give them an explanation.

As the head of the Hua family, he can't be too disrespectful to the Yu family, after all, he still has to be an in-law.

"I'm here to retire!"

When Yu Xuanfeng's words came out, everyone immediately exclaimed.

"What's the situation? It's not an escape from marriage, it's a divorce!"

"It seems that that matter may be true."

Everyone exploded, discussing in low voices.

When Hua Rumeng heard his words, her face turned pale instantly.

"What did you say?"

Patriarch Hua's face was ugly, and the smile on his face froze on his lips.

"I'm here today to retire."

Yu Xuanfeng repeated it again, not being intimidated by his expression.

"You are breaking the marriage contract between our two families! But you are breaking your promise!"

Patriarch Hua said angrily, holding the teacup tightly, it might be crushed at any moment.

"It was Miss Hua Family who made a marriage contract with me, not Princess Hua. If you want me to marry someone else, it's not impossible, as long as you take out the token you agreed at the beginning!"

Yu Xuanfeng said without changing his face, what he said made Patriarch Hua speechless for a while.

In their initial marriage contract, the bride was indeed not Hua Simeng.

"Everyone here can testify to me that I, Yu Xuanfeng, will fulfill the marriage contract I made. The woman who has my Yu family token is my fiancée."

"What kind of token is uncle?"

Hua Simeng asked anxiously, if she had that token, Yu Xuanfeng would still marry her.

"You can't have that thing!"

Patriarch Hua's face became more and more ugly. Even if Yu Xuanfeng retired today, they couldn't find Miss Hua who held the token, so they could only smash their teeth and swallow it in their stomachs.

Yu Xuanfeng didn't mention anything about the rumors outside, nor did he say that Hua Rumeng killed the abandoned girl, but all of this was related to that girl.

That abandoned daughter is the only one in this world who has a token from the engagement between the Hua family and the Yu family.

But now that she is dead, he can't say it, otherwise it will confirm the rumors outside.

"What is it?"

Hua Simeng is very anxious, it's just a token, why can't she have it?

She was obviously about to become Young Master Yu's wife and the envy of all women, but now she was cut off because of a token, how could she be willing?
(End of this chapter)

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