The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 207 Longyuan Sacred Mansion Recruits New Students

Chapter 207 Longyuan Sacred Mansion Recruits New Students

"Uncle will tell you about this later."

Patriarch Hua said to her, let her be calm.

"I'll give you ten days. If you can find that token within ten days, then Yu Xuanfeng will marry Miss Hua at any time."

Yu Xuanfeng cupped his hands and said politely.

No matter when and where it is always a jade tree facing the wind, it is pleasing to the eye.

Patriarch Hua naturally knew that Yu Xuanfeng was unwilling to marry Hua Simeng, and the reason was so high-sounding.

Their various prominent families value the marriage contract the most, and if it is finalized, they will exchange tokens with each other.

When they get married, show each other the promised token, so as to conform to the rules left by the ancestors.

However, the Hua family changed their brides themselves, and they didn't agree on a token. In this way, even if the other party didn't want to marry, they were at the wrong side.

It's just that if the Yu family withdraws the marriage, the envoys from all ethnic groups will come to Yunchuan City in vain, and the Yu family will be responsible.

He wanted to see how Yu Xuanfeng planned to solve this matter.

"Thank you for coming all the way to Yunchuan City. Xuanfeng has a piece of news for you all."

His marriage contract with Hua's family can be regarded as dead in name only, because his real fiancée is dead.

He originally refused to recognize this fiancée, but now he has to use her name to calm down the turmoil this time.

"I wonder if Master Yu has any good news to tell us?"

Xiling Ying came here from a distant ancient country this time to congratulate the Hua family and the Yu family for their marriage. Now that Young Master Yu is retiring on the wedding day, this is a waste of time for her.

"Could it be that Young Master Yu wants to marry another of our races?"

"Princess Sakura was joking."

Yu Xuanfeng was not annoyed when he heard Xiling Ying's ridicule, and his expression was still calm.

"Longyuan Sacred Mansion will recruit students in Yunchuan City in the near future. It is estimated that within ten days, there will be a holy scroll to announce this news to the world. If you want to know whether this news is true, you only need to wait here for a few days .”

"Longyuan Sacred Mansion wants to recruit students in Yunchuan City! This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!"

"How did Master Yu know the news?"

"Could it be true?"

"Longyuan Holy Mansion! It is the top school in Longyuan Continent, and it only recruits new students every ten years. Counting the time, it has indeed been ten years."

"Longyuan Sacred Mansion will take turns recruiting new students in the capitals of different countries every ten years. It seems that in recent decades, they have never been in Xuanshuang Kingdom. In this way, there is a great possibility of being in Yunchuan City!"

"If the news is true, then we must notify the family immediately."


All the people who were just watching the excitement, got excited when they heard the news that Longyuan Saint Mansion was going to recruit students.

This is a major event that concerns their own future, how can they not care?

"Young Master Yu, can you tell me a thing or two about the Longyuan Holy Mansion?"

Someone asked immediately.

"The specific situation, you will know when the time comes, I will take my leave first."

Yu Xuanfeng didn't elaborate on the details, which made everyone full of curiosity.

He bid farewell to everyone, and left Huafu on horseback.

"Young Master Yu!"

Seeing Yu Xuanfeng leaving resolutely, Hua Simeng couldn't support herself, as if all her strength had been drained.

"Why are you so cruel?"

Her fiery red wedding dress looked so mocking at the moment.

Everyone looked at her with ridicule, making it impossible for her to stay here for a moment.

The others saw that there was nothing exciting to see here, so they all took their leave and left, focusing on the Longyuan Saint Mansion.

Compared with other people's affairs, they are most concerned about their own future.

After they left, Hua Simeng immediately asked Patriarch Hua about the token.

At the same time, after Shili inspected the stronghold of Wan Gu Sect, he returned to the mansion in the south of the city.

(End of this chapter)

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