The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 211 Walking on a Path of Life and Death

Chapter 211 On the Path of Life and Death
Yun Jinli has a decisive personality and has already made a decision at this moment.

She didn't know that mysterious exercise, but she knew that this exercise was far superior to any exercise she had ever practiced.

She was not strong enough to protect the important people around her. If she was unwilling to take risks, she might not even have the chance to go back for revenge in this life.

The world she sees at this moment is black and white, without any other colors.

From the moment she owned Yin Yang Hua, she was doomed to take a different path from others.

The path of cultivation she chooses to take is the path of life and death, controlling life with one hand, and controlling death with the other. The two qis of life and death between heaven and earth are the closest to her.

She sat cross-legged on the spot and began to condense the spirit flower. She had already had the strength to condense the spirit flower, but she had not decided on the path of cultivation, so she kept the spirit flower in a phantom state and did not really condense into shape.

She began to gather the spiritual power of life and death in her body, and began to condense the spiritual flowers.

It's just that this process was not smooth, no matter how she condensed, the spiritual power of life and death could not be fused together to condense into a spirit flower, and just after condensing, it suddenly dispersed.

She tried many times without success.

"Why can't it be condensed? Is it because life and death can't be integrated, so it fails?"

She didn't know what she did wrong, or the path she chose didn't work at all?
No one in the world chooses such a path of life and death, so she has no way of knowing whether this path will work.

"Since Yin Yang Flower can gather the two forces of life and death, it must be possible!"

Yun Jinli was a little shaken in her heart at first, but she didn't give up when she thought of the yin and yang flower that could condense life and death.

"Is it feasible if I condense the spirit flower according to the appearance of the yin and yang flower?"

A flash of inspiration flashed in her mind, and she began to condense her spiritual power into flowers according to the appearance of yin and yang flowers.

As wisps of black and white spiritual energy condensed into the appearance of yin and yang flowers, Yun Jinli was also very nervous and extremely disturbed.


The moment the spirit flower condensed successfully, Yun Jinli saw that it would no longer disperse.

She made persistent efforts and continued to condense the spirit flowers, and three spirit flowers were condensed in one fell swoop.

Before she knew it, the sky was already dark, and it took her a whole night to condense the spirit flower.

But this harvest is great, the more spirit flowers she condenses, the stronger her strength will be.

With the existence of these three spiritual flowers, she can absorb spiritual power faster.

It took many people years to condense a spiritual flower, and she did overnight what other people could only do in a few years, which shows that her talent is really against the sky.

The first ray of sunlight fell on her face in the morning, and her snow-white skin exuded a faint light.

A layer of ghostly veil shrouded her body, making her look like a fairy.

She restrained the spiritual gauze around her body, making herself look like an ordinary girl.

Other people who condense spirit flowers will have fluctuations in their spiritual power, but her spiritual power is completely restrained, making people think that she is just an ordinary person.

"Master, Shili has inquired about the news. It is said that Young Master Yu went to Hua Mansion last night to withdraw his engagement. He said that he will marry Princess Hua only after Hua Mansion presents a token of engagement."

Shili was waiting for Yun Jinli in the house, and when he saw her come down, he told her the news of his investigation.

"What is the engagement token? Did the Hua family lose it?"

Yun Jinli didn't know the details. Since Yu Xuanfeng made this request, the Hua family must not be able to get the engagement token, otherwise it would be unnecessary.

"I don't know, they didn't go into details. In addition, I also heard that Longyuan Sacred Mansion will recruit students in Yunchuan City, so the children of all the clans have not left."

Shili opened his mouth and answered.

(End of this chapter)

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