Chapter 212 Knowing He Will Come

"What is Longyuan Saint Mansion? Is it very powerful?"

Yun Jinli had never heard of Longyuan Holy Mansion, but he heard that the name was related to Longyuan, so it should not be easy.

"Master, Longyuan Sacred Mansion is the number one academy in Longyuan Continent! However, they have very strict requirements for enrolling new students, and they only recruit new students every ten years, so the threshold is very high, and many people can't get in even if they are overwhelmed."

Shili had heard her lady mention Longyuan Saint Mansion before, so she knew something about it.

Her young lady once wanted to enter Longyuan Saint Mansion, but unfortunately she did not enter there, otherwise her life would be completely different.

"People call the mountain gate of Longyuan Sacred Mansion the Dragon Gate, which means a fish jumps over the Dragon Gate!"

"Based on your words, it seems that Yunchuan City will be even more lively in the future."

Yun Jinli looked at Yuankong, wondering if Longyuan Shengfu recruited students, would he come?
Presumably with his talent and strength, he will be able to enter Longyuan Holy Mansion smoothly.

"He will come! Jue..."

When she chanted this name, she felt as if her heart was being gently wrapped by a gust of warm wind.

She hadn't seen him for a long time, thinking of their days in the cloud and snow starry sky, the tender time, made her feel deeply nostalgic.

"We will meet again, but we don't know when and where."

She was full of longing, knowing that he would definitely come, her mood soared inexplicably.

"Jin'er, there is a young man outside the door who says he is your friend, and he looks very good-looking."

Liang Mei came to inform her that she was just about to go shopping when she saw someone at the door.

"It should be brother Xiao, I'll pick him up."

Yun Jinli guessed that if anyone came to her today, it would most likely be Xiao Zhang.

She walked to the door, and sure enough, she saw him coming.

"Jin'er, am I here too early?"

Holding a food box in his hand, Xiao Zhang said with a smile.

"Why don't you knock on the door?"

Yun Jinli saw that he must have been standing outside for some time, and wondered why he didn't come in.

"I made breakfast and wanted to bring it to you, but I didn't know if you were awake, so I didn't knock on the door."

Xiao Zhang followed her into the mansion, and when he stepped into the door, he felt as if he had entered another world.

It was full of vitality and greenness here, which surprised him.

"I thought this haunted house was really as scary as it was described in the rumors. It seems that I was thinking too much."

"At first it was indeed what the rumors said, but now this is my home, so naturally it won't be so desolate."

Yun Jinli saw the difference between the haunted house now and before, and Ye Zhu deserved the most credit.

"Go ask the little fat man to come over and have dinner together! Brother Xiao's craftsmanship is very good."

She asked Leng Jiu to make a trip, and first brought Xiao Zhang to the front of the painting building.

"This is such a good place, even I want to live here."

Xiao Zhang couldn't help but sigh with emotion, feeling very comfortable staying here.

"If Brother Xiao wants to live, there are many vacant rooms. After dinner, I will take Brother Xiao to the store to have a look."

Yun Jinli arranged the dishes, which were indeed made by Xiao Zhang, and each plate was delicious.


Xiao Zhang nodded, thinking about whether to move here.

At the same time, an incomparably noble man appeared in the teleportation array of Yunchuan City, and a handsome silver-haired little Zhengtai followed him.

"Will the mistress be here?"

The silver-haired young lady asked, they searched many places, but they couldn't find the hostess.

"Whether she is here now or not, she will come."

A handsome and flawless man with an unspeakable tenderness in his domineering voice.

 Happy Valentine's Day!It's not that you have a lover, but that you have a lover!
(End of this chapter)

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