Chapter 225

"Corpse poison? How did your master detoxify them?"

Yun Jinli remembered that it was recorded in the "Dan Zun Poison Classic" that the Ximing Jiuyin ghost clan and the royal family were all born in the thousand-year-old bone tomb underground, and they were born from death.Among the Nine Yin Ghost Clan, there is a highly poisonous poison on their bodies, which is called corpse poison.

Nine Yin Corpse Poison is overbearing and ruthless, it can turn flesh and bones into a puddle of black water.

If ordinary people are poisoned by this poison, they will probably die in Huangquan directly, and they will not even have the chance of treatment.

"The master sucked away the poison for them with spiritual power."

Xuezhan didn't see Bei Chenjue's wink, and said on her own.

Hearing that he said everything, Bei Chenjue's expression turned a little cold.

The surrounding temperature dropped suddenly, as if the cold wind of winter was blowing across the land.

"Mistress, did I say something that shouldn't be said?"

Xuezhan took a belated look at Bei Chenjue, feeling that something was wrong, and quickly cast a look at Yun Jinli for help.

"There's nothing you shouldn't say. I asked you all this. You confessed to me, which shows that you treat me sincerely."

After Yun Jinli finished speaking, she looked at Bei Chenjue, he was a dull gourd who refused to say anything.

Fortunately, Xuezhan was easier to abduct, so she sold him right away.

Otherwise, to know something from Bei Chenjue's mouth, it would be more difficult than ascending to the sky!

Bei Chenjue didn't want Yun Jinli to worry about her. He silently endured all the pain and suffering by himself.

"Put your hand out and let me see."

Hearing this, Bei Chenjue had no choice but to stretch out his hand to seep into the poison in his palm. He had temporarily sealed it with spiritual power to prevent the poison from spreading further.

The sun shines down through the green bamboo leaves, a little bit of irregular light, like elves flying in the bamboo forest covered with green gauze.

Yun Jinli grasped his wide palm, and saw the black lines spreading in the palm, like withered vines.

"Where is such a stupid way to detoxify? You are so stupid to cry!"

She shook her head helplessly, he really didn't spare herself.

"Okay, I'll go out and buy some things. I'll cook a delicious meal for you at noon."

"Wow! The hostess is going to cook! Good luck!"

Xuezhan nodded quickly, and said expectantly.

"I'm going to help the hostess get things! The host is recuperating slowly at home!"

He took the initiative to speak, for fear that Bei Chenjue would settle accounts with him after Yun Jinli left.

"Okay! There are a lot of things, and I just need a strong little follower!"

Yun Jinli said cooperatively, allowing Xuezhan to escape smoothly.

"It's right to choose me! I am! I am!"

Xuezhan immediately responded positively, and if she could successfully slip away from her master, it doesn't matter if she is a little follower!

"Get out!"

Bei Chenjue shook his head with a wry smile, his spiritual pet was obviously the arrogant Fengxue Silver Dragon, why was he so cowardly at this moment?

"Master, you are too scary, no wonder I'm worthless! I'm a man who can bend and stretch!"

Xuezhan murmured in his heart, he is not stupid, he clearly knew that he offended the devil master, and he stayed to be punished.

"Jue, don't wander off, rest at home and wait for me to come back."

Yun Jinli gave a warning, fearing that if he used his spiritual power again, the poison would spread and it would be troublesome to detoxify.

Others didn't know how to detoxify the corpse, but it happened to be recorded in her Poison Sutra, but she was missing some things and needed to go out to buy them.

"Well, I'll wait for you to come back."

Bei Chenjue sent them away with gentle eyes.

"The protective formation of this house is well laid out. Although it is only laid with some finely divided spirit stones, the effect is already very good. I don't know which formation master set it up?"

Bei Chenjue is good at the technique of Qimen Dunjia, and is also proficient in forming formations. He sees that there is a protective formation in this house, and except for the front door and the back door, other places are not allowed to enter or leave.

It is impossible to climb over the wall and enter.

(End of this chapter)

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