Chapter 226

When Xilingtian formed the formation, the conditions were limited, so there were still some imperfections. Bei Chenjue personally perfected the formation in the mansion.

"Although there is a protective formation here, it lacks a killing formation. If a strong enemy invades, it will be powerless to resist."

After he perfected the protective formation, he decided to set up a killing formation here. If he encountered a critical moment, he could activate the killing formation to protect himself.

Yun Jinli asked him to rest at home, but in the end he was wasting his mind here, if she found out, she would definitely be mad at him for being disobedient.

Ye Zhu has already gone out, she is not in the mansion at the moment, Leng Jiu is repairing the old part of the house, Liang Mei is playing with Xiao DianDian.

Seeing a stranger approaching, Liang Mei was a little wary.

Holding the wooden bird made for him with cold wine in his hand, Xiao Dian couldn't help but look up when he heard footsteps.

Big eyes, flickering light, like crystals in the sun.

"Sister Mei, don't be afraid, he has Miss Sister's breath on him, and it was brought back by Miss Sister."

He smelled Yun Jinli's aura on Bei Chenjue's body, it was not the aura left by passing by, but the aura left by being together day and night for a long time.

"There is such a magnificent man in this world!"

Liang Mei looked at Bei Chenjue intently, not knowing who he was, but his appearance was the best she had ever seen!
He stepped forward, like a fairy walking out of a picture scroll, the white plum branches were dyed bright by the cold snow, the fragrant dust was shaken off by the breeze, the fairy spirit was lingering around him, and his clothes fluttered.

"This little thing is interesting."

When Bei Chenjue passed by, he saw Little Diandian sitting on the grass and playing.

The blue sky ring on his finger emitted a soft light.

"Huh? There's a baby!"

Little Diandian blinked her eyes, and looked at Bei Chenjue's hand.

"Small things are so intuitive."

Bei Chenjue felt that the focus of his gaze was on the Qingkong Ring, presumably he had discovered the extraordinaryness of the Qingkong Ring.

He has developed some interest in Xiaodiandian, and being able to make Qingkong Jie respond, it shows that he has a strange treasure on his body.

When the blue sky ring is close to the strange treasure, it will emit light by itself.If it was an ordinary baby, Qing Kong Jie would not have such a strong reaction.

"Big brother, why do you keep looking at the dot?"

Holding a lifelike wooden bird in her hand, Xiao Dian Dian walked up to Bei Chenjue, not afraid of him.

"Little thing, what's your name?"

Seeing that Bei Chenjue was not afraid of life, it was a little strange.

Generally, children would not dare to get close to him. The cold on his body is so severe that children are very afraid.

"My name is Diandian. Big brother can call me little sister just like little sister."

Xiao DianDian said childishly, her soft and waxy voice sounds very cute.

"Big brother, come and play with me!"

He looked at Bei Chenjue expectantly, and really wanted him to come and play with him.

"Big brother still has things to do, you play here by yourself."

Seeing him pulling the corner of his clothes, Bei Chenjue said unnaturally.

He rarely comes into contact with children, and he is not used to other people getting close to him. He feels a little at a loss for this familiar little thing.

His cold expression did not deter him, and he still looked at him expectantly.

"Brother, don't go! Come play with me!"

Seeing that he was about to leave, Xiaodian hugged his leg directly.

"Small, let go! Be good!"

A pleasant voice came down, and Xiaodian immediately let go of her hand when she heard the sound, and threw herself towards Yun Jinli.


Xiaodian cried coquettishly, her voice full of intimacy.

(End of this chapter)

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