Chapter 232

"Actually, he's right. I'm really handsome."

Bei Chenjue said lightly that he was actually quite happy to be her lover.

"This handsome little brother looks so familiar, where have we seen it before?"

Ye Zhu didn't know many people, but he felt as if he had met Bei Chenjue.

"Little fat man, a few more people have moved in recently. Please help take care of the bamboo garden. There is an important guest."

Yun Jinli was worried that if the bamboo garden was not cleaned, there would be some snakes and insects, and it would be bad to scare Ruan Qinghe.

"No problem! I'm your gardener, and I'll take care of this house. I'm sure it'll be all right!"

Ye Zhu said very professionally, she didn't have any airs of being a young master.

"Ah Jin, let's go back to the house and rest, I'm a little tired."

Bei Chenjue stroked his forehead, pretended to be weak, and said slowly.

"You're okay?"

Yun Jinli was worried that he was really poisoned, so she quickly supported him and walked towards the painting building.

"I'll go! I really guessed right!"

Ye Zhu had never seen Yun Jinli treat someone so tenderly and considerately, even Xilingtian did not treat him so well.

Her natural tenderness made him think that he really had seen a ghost!
He felt that she was the type of woman who seemed to be weak, but was actually domineering.

It's not normal to be so gentle as water!
After returning to the painting building, Yun Jinli prepared hot water for Bei Chenjue.

There is only one bathtub in this painting building, and she didn't pay much attention to it, so she let him share one with her.

After filling the water with hot water, she put some fresh flower petals in the water, which have a calming effect.

She remembered the records in that ancient book, so she knew the medicinal effects of many plants.Plus she has a photographic memory, so those are all in her mind.

Now she is a living medical book, just a lot of knowledge, she doesn't know whether it is true, she needs to practice it herself to be sure.

"It seems that I have to make up for some medical knowledge, and I can't waste the knowledge in that strange book."

She had never studied medicine before, but now she is interested in learning.

Medicine, poison, Gu and alchemy, these are all new knowledge, she feels strange and novel.

"Ajin, I'm going to take a bath, do you want to watch it here?"

Bei Chenjue put down the veil, stretched out his hand and untied the belt, and saw that she was still dazed by the tub, so he spoke.


Yun Jinli came back to her senses, turned her head and saw him undressing, and was suddenly embarrassed.

With his half-smile look, she knew he was laughing at her.

"I just want to watch beautiful men bathing here, can't I?"

Yun Jinli felt that she couldn't be too shy in front of him, otherwise she would always be bullied to death by him.

She is Her Lady Queen, she must show her domineering aura!

"Okay! If you want to see it, then I will take it off."

As Bei Chenjue said that, he began to unbutton his clothes. Seeing him coming to play for real, Yun Jinli quickly closed his eyes, not daring to look at him again.

"Didn't you say it was good to see? Why did you get cold feet?"

Bei Chenjue saw her cute and blushing face, and couldn't help but want to tease her.

"There is a way to ignore right and wrong! You wash slowly, and I will go out to get some fresh air!"

Yun Jinli knew that he was no match for him, so he ran away directly.

She is not hot enough, she can't be a female hooligan, it seems that she still needs to practice!
"Ha! Ha! Ha!"

There was a pleasant laughter from inside, and she almost couldn't help rushing in to let him know that my aunt is not a vegetarian.

"Forget it, don't be as knowledgeable as a patient like him!"

She found a reason to comfort herself, then sat on the couch, took out the cloth she bought, and made clothes for Xiao DianDian.

(End of this chapter)

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