Chapter 233 I Don't Feel Bored

With his eyes closed, Bei Chenjue soaked his whole body in the warm water, and the scent of flowers made him feel relaxed.

His spiritual consciousness spread out, and he could see the surrounding pictures.

Orange sunlight falls in from the wooden lattice windows, and the carved couch is shiny and shiny.

On the plain blue cushion, Yun Jinli was sitting there, holding scissors in her hands, carefully cutting the cloth.

Holding the needle and thread in her hand, she sewed the cut cloth into clothes.

Her maid is very good, and the stitches are fine and neat.

It was a small dress, which seemed to be made for Xiao DianDian.

He could see that she really loved that little milk baby.

He was also a little envious of Xiao DianDian, as he didn't even have a single dress made by her.

"It's almost time to come out after washing, the water is cold."

Yun Jinli was sewing clothes outside, and when he saw that he hadn't come out, she reminded him.

"You didn't fall asleep in there, did you?"

When she heard that he was still, she put down the little clothes she was sewing and walked over.


She called out through the veil, but there was still no movement inside, so she walked in with her eyes closed, for fear that he would faint in the tub and she could fish him out.

As soon as she opened the veil and walked in, she bumped into a firm embrace.

When she opened her eyes, she saw that Bei Chenjue had come out of the tub and put on a loose dress.

"Why didn't you say anything to me just now?"

"I just want to hear more from you."

Bei Chenjue's answer made Yun Jinli couldn't help but give him a blank look.

"Do you dare to be more boring? My Royal Highness!"

Yun Jinli originally thought that he should be a very cold male god, but getting along with her for so long completely overturned her idea.

Sometimes it feels like he is like a child, but she doesn't find it annoying, and his childish appearance is actually quite cute.

"With you here, I won't feel bored!"

The corners of Bei Chenjue's lips rose slightly, feeling particularly happy.

She didn't need to do anything to please him, as long as she was quietly beside each other, it would be fine.

Feeling her presence, he felt warm.

Bei Chenjue half-opened his shirt, and his silver hair was untied, just hanging there like this, as he stepped out step by step, the water droplets on his hair floated up, and then disappeared into the air.

He was lying lazily on the couch, with his head propped on one hand, and his posture was quite seductive.

Yun Jinli looked over and felt that this was a peerless evildoer!
"Hey, you took my place, where do I stay?"

Seeing him occupying her couch like this, she said angrily.

"Here, enough for two people!"

Bei Chenjue stretched out his hand and patted the side beside her, she was so petite and exquisite, she didn't take up any space at all.

"I'm so tired, I'm going to sleep first."

Without waiting for her objection, he closed his eyes and lay down on the couch to rest.

Yun Jinli saw that he was really tired, so she didn't chase him away, but sat beside him, holding a needle and thread in her hand and continuing to make smaller clothes.

The turmoil of the outside world seemed to be far away from them.

This quiet time flows leisurely, the warm summer wind wafts the fragrance of flowers outside the window, the sound of birdsong in the ear and the soft sound of leaves rubbing are intertwined, which makes people feel more and more tired.

She was exhausted from all the busy work these days, so she leaned against the edge of the couch to rest, not knowing when she fell asleep.

Bei Chenjue gently placed her on the couch, and snuggled her into his arms to rest.

"My little Yunduo, I'm back!"

He said silently that he really wanted to be by her side like this for the rest of his life.

(End of this chapter)

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