Chapter 237 This fat woman is bad

"Do you want to go out?"

Seeing Cui Dai coming out, Ye Zhu asked.

"Yeah! I'm going out to buy some things."

Cui Dai nodded and replied, seeing Ye Zhu being so diligent, she had a good impression of him.

"You don't know the way, and it's getting late, let me go with you!"

Ye Zhu took the initiative to say that he had finished his work here, so he just had nothing to do.

"Then thank you Mr. Ye for leading the way."

Cui Dai came here for the first time, the house is so big, she really can't remember the way out.

She doesn't know where there are streets around here. It would be great if someone leads the way.

Through an alley, you will arrive at South Street.

It was already night now, and there were lanterns hanging on the South Street, which looked quite beautiful.

Here at night, there are still many people coming and going.

"Your lady looks easy to get along with. She should be kind to you, right?"

Ye Zhu walked beside Cui Dai, taking this opportunity to inquire.

"That's natural. Our young lady is kind-hearted. Regardless of her young age, the people who have been saved can be lined up a few blocks away."

Cui Dai said proudly that she has never seen a kinder person than their young lady.

"Even if they are strangers, our young lady will help them out."

"Isn't that stupid? No matter who you save, you will definitely suffer a lot."

Ye Zhu muttered this in his heart, but didn't say it out.

"Miss Jin'er's life was hanging by a thread back then, and it was our young lady who saved her. Otherwise, you wouldn't be able to see her now. I still remember that she was covered in blood at the time, and it was her last breath left."

Seeing that Ye Zhuren was fine, Cui Dai told him everything.

"Girls also have times of trouble! Who is so cruel, and actually treats such a cute girl like us?"

Ye Zhu felt that Yun Jinli was very strong, but she didn't expect that when she met Ruan Qinghe, it would be like that.

"I heard from the young lady that it was the poisonous hands of Princess Hua!"

Cui Dai heard Ruan Qinghe mentioned Jin'er's life experience, she was really a poor person.

"Princess Hua! It turned out to be that bad woman! Next time I will find a chance to avenge the girl."

Ye Zhu's heart turned to Yun Jinli. When he was in the haunted house, Yun Jinli saved him.

So he always remembered Yun Jinli's kindness and treated her as a true friend.

What he can do for her now is to create a beautiful and warm home for her, so he doesn't care about what he can get.

"The grocery store is right there, let's go shopping."

He took Cui Dai to the grocery store, he and Yun Jinli had been here before, so they knew the way very well.

When they finished shopping, they heard movement in the alley beside them.

"Let's go and see."

Ye Zhu took Cui Dai in the dark, and saw a group of servants beating a woman.

"So many people are bullying a woman, I'm going down to help."

Cui Dai has been with Ruan Qinghe for a long time, but her temperament has also been contaminated.

"Leave her alone! This fat woman is really bad!"

Ye Zhu stopped Cui Dai, and he saw that this woman was the one who made things difficult for Lengjiu last time.

"There are good people and bad people in this world. Don't save everyone! If you save the bad people, you will kill more good people."

"It seems reasonable."

Hearing what he said, Cui Dai felt that what he said was reasonable, so she didn't mind this nosy business.

"Let's go, let's bring some food back, I'm afraid they won't be able to take care of food."

Ye Zhu ignored their affairs and took Cui Dai to buy some snacks to take back.

"Tie this fat woman up and throw her into a haunted house."

"My lord, please forgive me!"

The woman howled immediately, and her mouth was stuffed with a rag.

(End of this chapter)

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