Chapter 238 This Is Too Scary

Several servants tied up the woman and carried her to the back door of the haunted house.

Looking at the dark haunted house, they were so frightened that they felt chills all over their bodies.

"Aren't you going to throw it in?"

"This fat pig is so heavy, where it can be thrown, it can be thrown by the back door."

"Hurry up, it's getting dark this day, I feel like I'm getting close to here, and I feel chills all over."

"Go! Go! Go!"

Several servants fled quickly, leaving the woman lying on the ground alone.

"Let her dare to lie to our housekeeper, saying that there are people living in this haunted house, she deserves to be unlucky!"

Everyone left cursing, not daring to stay here for a moment.

Shili is in charge of the housekeeping, so he can clearly hear the movements in the surrounding area.

Originally, she was too lazy to take care of such a woman, but after hearing what they said, she changed her mind.

"Oh? It turns out that those people before were all recruited by you. If my master is not safe, then I can't let you live in peace."

Shili can walk freely at night, so she came to the back.

"Tick! Tick!"

The sound of dripping water reached the woman's ears.

It's obviously not raining here, and there is no river water, so how can there be the sound of dripping water?
She remembered the legend of the haunted house, darkness surrounded her, and fear spread in her heart.

She felt something dripping on her hand, she looked up and saw blood flowing on her hand.


She wanted to cry out, but her mouth was stuffed with a rag, so she could only make a muffled sound.

Even though she was in the dark, she could see the blood on her hands continuously flowing.

This was Shili's illusion, which made her fall into her own hallucination.

"I don't want to die!"

In the hallucination, she saw that she was bleeding profusely, and the great fear made her eyes widen.


Shili laughed in her ears, although the laughter was very clear, but in this kind of haunted house, in the dead of night, suddenly hearing someone laughing next to her ear, the feeling couldn't be more terrifying.

Because the unknown is the scariest thing.

The woman was trembling all over, and her legs were trembling, like dogtail grass swaying in the wind.

Before Shili could scare her again, she was already foaming at the mouth and passed out.

"Oh, this is too scary!"

Seeing that she was unconscious, Shili wove a nightmare for her in her dream, and punished this woman well.

She thought of those people who came today, and it seemed that none of them were simple.

"I don't know what my master's background is. The friends around me seem to have special abilities. That man seems to have noticed me today."

The person she mentioned was Bei Chenjue.

In front of outsiders, Bei Chenjue hardly spoke, giving the impression that he was as cold as ice.

"It seems that I have to be more careful, lest others discover my existence."

She left the woman to lie on the cold ground.

"Thinking about it, the young master of the Yu family is more tolerant."

If Yu Xuanfeng knew her evaluation, what kind of reaction would he have?

At this moment Xiao Zhang has moved into the mansion, and when he returned, he had already begun to prepare for the decoration of those shops.

He doesn't care about the business of this store, the most important thing is that this is a store jointly opened by him and Yun Jinli.

He originally wanted to talk to Yun Jinli, but it was getting late, so he didn't go there.

"I don't know if the news about Longyuan Saint Mansion is true or not. It seems that we can only wait for a few days."

Xiao Zhang already knew about the Longyuan Holy Mansion, and now the matter has reached the ears of the major families, and everyone is just waiting for this day to come.

If Yu Xuanfeng lied, the Yu family would really be in disaster.

(End of this chapter)

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