The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 239 Eliminate harm for our Hua family

Chapter 239 Eliminate harm for our Hua family

A round of bright moon hung high in the sky, and the broken floating clouds, under the reflection of the moonlight, Yunchuan City melted into a piece of silver.

The long silver river flowing through Yunchuan gathers colorful reflections on both sides of the river.

The light and shadow of the lanterns are elongated in the water.

The snow-covered mysterious frost flowers emit a soft white light under the moonlight.

At this moment, a blue smoke passed over the flower branches and fell on the roof of the Zhuque Tower, turning into a woman's figure.

The woman was dressed in green clothes, with a blue veil on her face, and a pair of almond eyes surrounded by misty rain in the south of the Yangtze River, looking at the brightly lit city.

"Beichen Xingyi, I want to see, which woman are you refusing to marry me for?"

This woman is Hua Liuyan, a genius pharmacist. Ever since Bei Chenjue left the palace, she has sent out eyeliners to track down his whereabouts.

It is not difficult to find Bei Chenjue's whereabouts. His mount is Fengxue Yinlong. You only need to follow the trail of Fengxue Yinlong to find their whereabouts.

In the night, a bird flapped its wings and landed in Hua Liuyan's hand.

"Miss, your accommodation has been arranged, please come with me."

Asuka uttered a human voice, and went to the residence with the painting Liuyan.

As the news of Longyuan Saint Palace spread, all the clans chose elite children one after another, intending to let them participate in the assessment of Longyuan Saint Palace.

Now that the Yu family has spread the news, it is likely to be true, so they naturally started to prepare in advance.

Compared with the major event of recruiting students in Longyuan Sacred Mansion, the disintegration of the marriage between the Yu family and the Hua family does not appear to be too important.

You must know that entering Longyuan Saint Mansion is equivalent to cultivating an elite with a bright future.

Yun Jinli brought a few introductory medical books with her, and after leaving Zhuyuan, she remembered that Bei Chenjue was in the painting building. Because of what happened at noon, she still felt a little weird, so she didn't go back immediately, but left the mansion instead.

She put on the cloak of Liuyue Shaying, concealed herself in the night, and found Huafu.

This was originally Hua Nu's home, but she had no impression of it in her memory.

There are pavilions, terraces and attics, carved with jade columns, rich and beautiful.

The Huafu is brightly lit, and the glazed tiles reflect the bright light under the moonlight.

In Yun Jinli's eyes, the festive attire decorated with lanterns and festoons was particularly dazzling.

These big families are very particular about rules, so the place where the head of the family lives is basically a fixed position.

Soon she found the place where Patriarch Hua lived. Because she was wearing a cloak of Liuyue Shaying, no one noticed her coming.

As she approached the house, she heard the sound of arguing inside.

She looked in through the window and saw Patriarch Hua arguing with another man.

"Father, I heard that Hua Simeng asked someone to open up her younger sister's body in order to get back the token of engagement! This vicious act is outrageous."

Hua Wuqing said angrily that when he heard that his sister was probably killed by Hua Simeng, he wished to go to her immediately to avenge his sister.

"Wuqing, you have to remember the name I gave you. Only Wuqing can achieve dominance! You don't have a sister, she is just a disaster, a waste, and has no meaning to our Hua family. If Meng'er can really find that token, That’s a good thing too.”

Patriarch Hua said indifferently that he had many children, and he was extremely disgusted with the disaster star who killed his mother at birth and didn't have any spiritual roots.

He never regarded her as his daughter, and originally threw her out to fend for herself, but he didn't expect that she would live to be 14 years old.

Now that Hua Simeng has relieved him of his heart disease, he feels much more at ease.

"The catastrophe is dead, remember not to trouble Meng'er, she is eliminating harm for our Hua family!"

When Hua Wuqing heard his words, she clenched her fists tightly. If this person was not his father, he would have already hit someone.

(End of this chapter)

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