Chapter 241 Is This Child Stupid?

Just when Hua Simeng was dying, a red light suddenly appeared on her body, which flicked Hua away mercilessly.

"Father actually gave you a blood jade for body protection!"

Hua Wuqing was injured by the red light, and when she saw the spiritual power shield condensed around Hua Simeng, she knew that she had the Hua family's protective blood jade on her body.

This was originally owned by the direct descendants of the Hua family, but his father actually gave her the protective blood jade that originally belonged to his sister.

He felt even more uncomfortable, why are they both young ladies of the Hua family, one is well-clothed and well-loved, and the other is homeless and homeless.

The guards outside rushed over immediately to protect Princess Hua.

"Although Dude's heart is towards his sister, his brain is not very good."

Yun Jinli saw him barging in like this, and then making such a big commotion, which immediately attracted so many guards.

"I just want to say, is this kid stupid?"

If it were her, it would definitely be an assassination!
Who was so foolish to startle the crowd, how could there be any drama in the end?
"Come here, put this scoundrel in a cell, no one is allowed to release him without my permission!"

Patriarch Hua hurried over, seeing Hua Simeng crying into tears, angrily kicked Hua Ruqing's feet, and then went to comfort Hua Simeng.

"Meng'er, it's uncle's fault, he didn't protect you well, and let this scoundrel hurt you."

Patriarch Hua patted her on the shoulder, loving her far more than other children.

"Uncle! Meng'er is so scared!"

Hua Simeng burst into tears, and when she saw Patriarch Hua coming, she cried even louder.

"You really let my father down!"

Patriarch Hua looked at Hua Wuqing angrily, he actually did such a heavy hand on Hua Rumeng, if it wasn't for the protection of the blood jade, I am afraid that she would be in danger at this moment.

"Quickly, go and ask the doctor to come over."

"Yes, sir!"

A servant immediately rushed to invite the doctor. He had heard that the Patriarch loves Princess Hua a long time ago, and now he saw that it was so.

They didn't dare to delay for a moment, lest the Patriarch be angry.

Hua Wuqing was tied up by the guards and taken to the cell of Huafu to be imprisoned.

These big families all have their own cells, which are used to detain servants who have done wrong things, as well as ordinary people who offend them.

Hua Wuqing was imprisoned in a dark and damp cell, guarded by a group of guards.

"People come and go here now, and there are many guards guarding here. If you save someone, you will definitely be discovered. It seems that you will save someone later."

Yun Jinli originally planned to save Hua Wuqing, but at this time there are many guards guarding here, and there are also several teams patrolling, so it is not appropriate to startle the snake.

"This Hua Simeng has blood jade on her body, it seems that Patriarch Hua really regards her as a treasure."

She came to Huafu this time to understand the situation here, but she did not expect to see such a good show.

At the same time, she also knew that Hua Simeng wanted to do something to Hua Nu's body, which made her even more disgusted with this vicious woman.

In fact, with Yun Jinli's current strength, he is not an opponent against Patriarch Hua, but it is easy to kill Hua Simeng.

It's just that she won't let Hua Simeng die so easily. She has done so many vicious things to Hua Nu, how can she be so cheap?

She wants to take everything she owns, leave her with nothing, and live in despair.

Now for Hua Simeng, the most important thing is Yu Xuanfeng, so she will let Hua Simeng lose him first.

This is just the beginning!
In addition to Hua Simeng, the Hua Patriarch also has to pay the price.

Originally, Yun Jinli was full of disgust for the entire Hua family, but now that she met the young master of the Hua family, it changed her attitude a little.

(End of this chapter)

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