Chapter 242 Your house is flooded

"I feel sorry for myself for not charging any interest at this time."

Yun Jinli saw that everyone in the Hua manor was busy with Hua Simeng, so she went around to the residence of Patriarch Hua.

She used her spiritual sense to sense that there was no one in the room, and took out a fire pocket from her bosom.

Not long after, Patriarch Hua, who was comforting her at Hua Simeng, heard the panicked voice of the servants.

"Master is not good!"

"What's the yelling about?"

Patriarch Hua waved his hand and said displeasedly.

"What a system!"

"Sir, your house is flooded."

Jia Ding tried his best to calm his voice, and said without haste.


Patriarch Hua stood up abruptly, and hurriedly looked in the direction of her room.

The raging fire lit up most of the sky, showing that the fire was very powerful.

"The water is gone! The water is gone!"

The servants went to carry water to fight the fire, but found that the more water was splashed, the more fierce the fire became.

"Oil has been splashed here, you can't put out the fire with water, you need to use spiritual power!"

Seeing that the fire was getting more and more fierce and they couldn't control it at all, everyone rushed to find the young masters and ladies of the Hua family.

Although spiritual power could put out the fire, by the time they managed to extinguish the fire, the house had been burnt beyond recognition.

Patriarch Hua was trembling with anger, his face was pale and pale because he had consumed too much spiritual power, or because he was overwhelmed by anger.

He suddenly remembered something, and immediately rushed into the room that was still emitting black smoke, rummaging through it.


He searched the dilapidated house, but did not find what he was looking for.

"Check it out for me immediately, we must catch the arsonist!"

He felt dizzy, and a mouthful of blood rushed to his throat, ready to spit it out at any time.

There was a sweet and fishy taste in his mouth, which he swallowed abruptly.

Yun Jinli, on the other hand, walked briskly out from the main entrance of Huafu. She was invisible in the night, and no one noticed her.

When she started to set a fire, she didn't forget to walk away the antiques in that room.

Since he owes Hua Nu so much, she will collect the interest first.

"Huh? There seems to be something."

When she was sorting out the harvest of this trip, she found a piece of paper sandwiched between the pages of the book.

Shining it against the roadside light, she saw that it looked like a piece of parchment.

"This parchment looks very old, and I don't know what age it is. I will study it carefully when I get home later."

She didn't pay attention to it, but took it away directly.

When he returned to the house, he explained a few words to Shili, and then walked back to the painting building.

She is not in the painting building, but there is a light in the building.

Seeing the lamps in the attic and the lights at the entrance of the painting building made her feel very warm.

A figure on the tall building was dancing a sword under the moonlight. That handsome and elegant figure looked like a white crane fluttering its wings, or a flying dragon.

The sword energy is vertical and horizontal, and the posture is ethereal.

She sat under the flower tree in front of the building, playing the piano with bare hands, and the sound of the piano floated, as if it was about to rush to the sky.

However, the house has been set up with a magic circle, and the sound inside will not be transmitted outside, so the night outside is still quiet.

The tune Yun Jinli played was taught to her by her younger brother when she was in Xuehai.

Hearing the familiar tune, Bei Chenjue's hand holding the sword trembled violently.

A pair of sea-like blue eyes, with a touch of mist floating.

"She still remembers the song back then."

His whispering voice floated in the night wind.

He was afraid that she would have forgotten him a long time ago, but now she still remembers him clearly.

He is really happy in his heart!

(End of this chapter)

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