Chapter 243 Is Her Polaris

He put away the sword in his hand, and a moonlight jade flute emerged, leaning against the bank of the tall building, playing the jade flute slowly.

That song once accompanied her to sleep through the long night.

He played the jade flute, and the familiar melody lingered in his mind.

It seemed that he had returned to Xuehai when he was young, when they first met.

When Yun Jinli heard the sound of the jade flute, she suddenly stopped her plain hand playing the piano, and looked up at the painting building in shock.

The picturesque man playing the moonlight jade flute under the moon is intertwined with the white-clothed boy sitting on the branch of the snowy sea and playing the flute.

She didn't continue to play the zither, but he was able to play the last variation of the piece completely. That piece was clearly her North Star, which was played to her.


She stood up excitedly, waved her hand, and put the magic piano in her hand into the weaving moon tassel.

She tiptoed, stepped on the branches, flew up the tall building, and landed in front of Bei Chenjue.

"I don't know this song, what's its name? Where did it come from?"

She asked softly, as if she was afraid of breaking her beautiful dream.

"This song is called "Winter", which is one of the national songs of the four seasons in the ancient galaxy. Every time the first snow falls in winter, the master of the country will play this song on the nine-color altar on the top of the Jade Dragon Snow Peak, praying Auspicious snow heralds a prosperous year."

Bei Chenjue opened his mouth and said that he was playing this song in the white snow at the beginning, just to pray that they could leave that cage safely.

The song "Winter Day" represents hope.

"That's it, thank you for letting me know."

The light in Yun Jinli's eyes dimmed. She originally thought that the person who could play this piece was her little brother, but she was thinking too much.

This is the national anthem of the ancient galaxy, it must have been widely spread, and many people can play it.

Since the little brother understands this song, does it have something to do with Longyuan Continent?

"Ajin, why do you know this song?"

Bei Chenjue opened his mouth to ask, wanting to know the answer from her mouth, although he already knew the answer, but still asked knowingly.

"It was taught to me by a very important person to me."

Looking at the brightest star in the sky, Yun Jinli replied, pointing at the night sky with her plain hand, a smile appeared on her face.

"Although I don't know where he is now, I believe that we will meet one day. At that time, I will play this piece with him and tell him that I have learned the piece he taught me. "

Listening to her words, Bei Chenjue's mood fluctuated.

He knows, she has learned, he is very happy, she has not forgotten him!

"By the way, I just got a piece of parchment, please help me see if there is anything special."

Before Bei Chenjue could speak, Yun Jinli stepped into the attic first.

"actually, I……"

Bei Chenjue hesitated to speak, but finally resisted the impulse in his heart and didn't speak out.


When Yun Jinli heard what he said, she turned her head and asked.

"Nothing, I'm just curious about the parchment you mentioned."

Bei Chenjue originally wanted to tell her that he was her North Star, but suddenly it occurred to her that if she knew his identity, she would ask him how to cross the two continents.

With her character, no matter how dangerous it is, she will try it. She is not strong enough now, and he can't let her take risks.

So all this has to be hidden from her until she is strong enough to protect herself.

He knew she hadn't forgotten him, and that was enough.

He doesn't expect too much, as long as she is well, that's enough.

(End of this chapter)

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