The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 244 The Legend of the First Opening of the World

Chapter 244 The Legend of the First Opening of the World

"Little Yunduo, forgive me for being too selfish, I just hope you are safe and sound. It doesn't matter if you don't know who I am, the Polaris will accompany Little Yunduo, no matter where she goes, no matter day or night, even if she cannot be seen, He's always been there."

Bei Chenjue said silently in his heart, he knew it was unfair to her, he clearly knew who she was, but he didn't tell her who he was.

He also knew that if he told her that he was her North Star, she would dispel her doubts about him.

However, he chose to take it all on himself.

Emperor Yun's life and death were uncertain, and Yun Jinli's body was also affected by the silk butterfly Gu. If she went back now, she would only bear more pressure.

No matter in which time and space, as long as she is still alive, it is fine for him.

Yun Jinli lit the candle on the desk, and then took out the ancient parchment.

She knew that Bei Chenjue was well-informed, so she asked him to take a look, maybe she could find something.

She saw that Patriarch Hua hid the object very tightly, but this could not be hidden from her eyes.

"This parchment is very old."

Bei Chenjue saw the parchment on the table, picked it up and inspected it.

"But what secret it hides, we will know immediately."

He picked up the parchment and burned it on the candle.

Yun Jinli was taken aback by his action, but did not stop him.

She knew that he must have his reasons for doing so.

Even though this thing should be very precious, she didn't say anything.


The parchment was burned by the flames and made a sound.

When the flame burned all over the parchment, the parchment was not burned, but showed some patterns.

"The painting on this seems to be a kind of plant. This kind of plant reminds me of deja vu. It seems to be somewhat similar to the pattern on the token of Wan Gu Sect, but it is not exactly the same."

Yun Jinli took out the token, and compared it with the pattern on it, because the pattern on the token was a little blurry, it was much too real.

It can only be vaguely seen that there seems to be more than one plant on the token.

"The Wan Gu sect is a very ancient and mysterious sect. They have existed for a very long time. This token should be the five legendary spirit flowers. This ancient parchment should depict one of the five spirit flowers. .”

Bei Chenjue said slowly that he knew many secrets, the biggest of which was the Five Spirit Flower of Heaven and Earth.

"What is the legendary Five Spirit Flower? I've never heard of it."

Yun Jinli originally thought that she already knew a lot about this continent, but what she knew was just the tip of the iceberg.

But with Bei Chenjue's encyclopedia here, she naturally doesn't worry about it, if she doesn't understand something, just ask him.

"Tell me about it!"

"This parchment should be a map, and the place recorded on it is the location of one of the five spirit flowers. Speaking of the five spirit flowers, we have to start talking about it from a long time ago..."

Bei Chenjue spoke in a low voice, telling Yun Jinli the origin of the Wulinghua.

Legend has it that when the world first opened, the world was in chaos. The Goddess of Creation used her spiritual power to create a huge world. Afterwards, she condensed her life's spiritual power into a purple moon spirit bead to protect the world.

Later, the world changed drastically, the world collapsed and turned into three thousand spiritual domains.

At that time, the Ziyue Lingzhu was divided into five parts, scattered in the sky and the earth, and the fragments turned into five kinds of strange flowers.

It is said that as long as you get these five kinds of spirit flowers, you can condense them into purple moon spirit beads, possess the power of the goddess of creation, and be able to realize all your wishes.

(End of this chapter)

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