Chapter 248 Must Be Hallucinations
Shili took Hua Wuqing out of Huafu in the dark, and the guards at the door were all drugged and fell to the ground.

This was the drug Yun Jinli had prepared, and it was specially handed over to Shili for self-defense.

Although she can come and go without a trace, it is not very convenient to take Hua Wuqing with her.

Hua Wuqing didn't know what happened, but when he woke up, he found himself lying in a ruined temple.

"I'm not dead yet, who saved me?"

He touched his neck and felt a clear pain, making sure it wasn't a dream.

He tried his best to recall what happened yesterday, and wanted to rush back to Huafu immediately, but he stopped at the gate of the ruined temple.

"Now that I've left Huafu, that woman doesn't know what story she made up. Maybe it's her conspiracy! I can't be fooled!"

He knew that Hua Simeng was full of tricks, so he had long thought of a way out.

Now he can't act rashly, after all, she has a deep foundation in the Hua family, and he just came back, which is obviously disadvantageous.

"Sister, brother swears here that he will avenge you!"

He decided to secretly collect Hua Simeng's criminal evidence, ruin her reputation, and finally take her life.

She has a blood jade shield on her body, so he must find a chance to take the blood jade from her body, so that he can have a chance to kill her.

In the Hua Mansion, everyone found that Princess Hua was missing, and hurriedly searched everywhere, and finally found her in the damp cell.

"Princess, wake up! What happened here?"

The head guard of Huafu asked, and saw that Hua Wuqing had disappeared, and the guard at the door was also rescued.

"It's her! She's back!"

Hua Simeng woke up from the nightmare, feeling as if her hands were still stained with blood, she screamed and shouted.

"who is it?"

Patriarch Hua received the news that she was here, and when he came over, he saw Hua Simeng looking crazy.

The expression full of horror seemed to be greatly frightened.

"Who the hell is back?"

He asked the guards to leave first, and asked Hua Simeng alone.

"Uncle, that little bitch is back! She's coming to claim her life and ask me to pay the debt!"

Hua Simeng said in horror, squatting on the ground and crying.

"You must be hallucinating, that's impossible."

Patriarch Hua shook his head and said, he doesn't believe this kind of thing.

"I wasn't hallucinating, it was so real."

Hua Simeng stretched out her hand, and then said.

"Hands are full of blood, full of blood!"

When she rolled up her sleeves, she found a blue-black handprint on her wrist, full of cold air, which made her shiver violently.


With a scream, she passed out again, fainted by herself.

When Patriarch Hua saw the mark on her hand, he felt a sudden "thump" in his heart.

The entire Huafu was searched yesterday, but no arsonist was found.

Could it be that the evil spirits really came back for revenge?

"That expert is right, that is really the disaster of my Hua family!"

He still has no regrets in his heart, but feels that getting rid of this scourge is the right decision.

If it weren't for his connivance and instruction, Hua Simeng would not be so lawless.

In fact, he was just borrowing a knife to kill someone!
"Send someone to catch that scoundrel immediately!"


A group of guards left Huafu immediately, wanting to capture Hua Wuqing back.

In the painting building in Liuyun Huajing, Yun Jinli opened his eyes when he saw Shili came back.

"Is it done?"

"What the master told me to do has already been done. The dude has already been taken out by me. If he is not too stupid, he should not go back now."

Shili opened his mouth and answered.

"Very good, ten miles of hard work."

Yun Jinli nodded, she was relieved to have Shili by her side.

(End of this chapter)

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