The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 249 His Consideration Is Considerable

Chapter 249 His Consideration Is Considerable

"It is an honor for ten miles to serve the master."

Shili said respectfully that she had seen the illusion that Yun Jinli had asked him to weave for Yu Xuanfeng, and knew how much pain she had suffered.

Now that the master can survive strong, she will also add a little help to the master's road to revenge.

Originally, Yun Jinli just asked Shili to save people, but she didn't expect to meet Hua Simeng.

She remembered the appearance of the murderer who killed her master, so she gave Hua Simeng an impressive night.

If it wasn't for fear of ruining the master's plan, she wouldn't let Hua Simeng go so easily.

The master allowed her to be free and showed her great kindness, and she would also repay her with a grass knot.

"It's already dawn, go rest in the bronze mirror!"

Yun Jinli knew that it was not appropriate for her to stay outside during the day, so she asked her to go back first.

"I'll leave after ten miles."

Ten miles turned into black mist and disappeared in front of Yun Jinli.

Yun Jinli sat cross-legged on the couch, quietly practicing the water mirror technique that Bei Chenjue taught her.

Xiao DianDian lay on the small bed beside her and fell asleep soundly, with no intention of waking up.

She tried many times, but failed to condense the water mirror.

She did not give up easily, but continued to condense the water mirror. As her spiritual power gathered on the palm of her hand, and with her movements, a mirror slowly took shape.

This time, the mirror did not condense and then dispersed, but appeared in front of her.

The image of Bei Chenjue appeared in her mind, using the water mirror as a medium to connect with him.

The next moment, the mist in the water mirror disappeared, and Bei Chenjue's face appeared.

"Ajin, you succeeded!"

Bei Chenjue smiled and said, seeing her successfully condense the water mirror in such a short time, such a talent is really amazing.

This water mirror technique is very complicated, and if you do it wrong, you will fail. To perfectly condense the water mirror, you need to practice countless times.

She was able to learn it overnight and condense it, which really surprised him.

"Jue, since you gave me the starry night bracelet, why did you teach me the water mirror technique?"

Yun Jinli asked curiously, isn't it superfluous for him to do this?

Or simply teach her the water mirror technique, so there is no need to specially make a starry night bracelet for her.

"In this way, even if I am far away, I can still see you. Even if you don't take the initiative to find me, I can still know where you are."

Bei Chenjue did this after careful consideration, because the water mirror technique needs spiritual support to be able to condense it.

If she was in danger and exhausted her spiritual power, she would not be able to call for help with the water mirror technique, but he could use the starry night bracelet to find her whereabouts.

He was very considerate, and this arrangement was all for her safety.

"By the way, my blue sky ring and your starry night chain can sense each other. If you and I are in danger, it will warn you."

Yun Jinli had just found out that he still had this function, and if he was in danger, she would know about it.

She decided to wear the bracelet all the time, so she would feel more at ease.

"The water mirror technique consumes a lot of spiritual power. The farther the distance is, the more powerful spiritual support is needed."

Bei Chenjue said to her that this water mirror technique needs the spiritual power of both parties to maintain it.

At the same time, people who are proficient in water mirror skills are required to be able to communicate with each other using water mirror skills.

"oh, I understand now."

After a while, Yun Jinli felt that the spiritual power was disappearing rapidly, so she waved her hand and dispersed the water mirror.

She remembered that she wanted to give Xiao Zhang the blueprint, so she got up, washed, changed her clothes, and then walked to the place where Xiao Zhang lived.

Before entering the room, she smelled the aroma of food, which was very attractive.

(End of this chapter)

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