The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 250 What is the Xiao family good at?

Chapter 250 What is the Xiao family good at?

"Knock knock knock!"

Yun Jinli stood outside the courtyard and knocked on the door, and soon there was a voice.

"Jin'er, push the door and come in by yourself."

She opened the door and found that the courtyard door was not locked.

This mansion has quite a few yards, most of which have kitchens, which can be used to boil hot water for bathing, and to cook food when hungry.

Xiao Zhang likes to cook all kinds of delicacies, so he got into the kitchen to cook early in the morning.

"It's just in time. I cooked lily and lotus seed porridge, try it and see how it tastes?"

"Brother Xiao, how do you know I'm outside? Did you use your spiritual sense to read?"

Yun Jinli walked into the room and found that he had tidied it up very neatly.

There is a row of small ceramic dolls on the table, which are cute and lifelike.

Whether it is clothing or the small details of life, he is meticulous.

"I know that you should come to me today, and no one else in this house will come here except you, so there is no need to guess who will come."

Xiao Zhang put the lotus seed porridge in a bowl, then brought it out and put it on the table.

"Here, here is the design drawing. I'll tell you the details after eating."

Yun Jinli took out the drawn design and handed it to Xiao Zhang.

"Well, let's eat first."

She took a spoon, scooped up a spoonful of lotus seed porridge and drank it.

"The porridge tastes good, but the tableware doesn't feel good enough, it's too rough. It's rough pottery made from clay, and it's not as refined as these ceramic dolls."

Yun Jinli discovered this. There seems to be no particularly delicate ceramics here, which may be the reason why their ceramic firing technology has not yet reached the peak level.

"These dolls were baked by a weapon spirit master of our Xiao family, so they are naturally much more delicate than these bowls."

Xiao Zhang said that most of the bowls they usually use are made of rough pottery, and he didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

"This ceramic doll should have just been made, and the color is still very bright, without any trace of time."

After Yun Jinli finished her porridge, she picked up the ceramic doll and began to observe it.

She suddenly remembered that in addition to restaurants, she could also do ceramics business.

"This is a small object I just got. If Jin'er likes it, you can take it. The weapon master lives in Yunchuan City, and I will ask him for another one."

"I had an idea that we could also sell fine ceramics."

Yun Jinli knew that an Artifact Spiritualist was a master blacksmith who could control spiritual power to forge various artifacts. This kind of profession was relatively rare in the mainland, especially for advanced Artifact Spiritualists.

A truly powerful weapon spirit master can also forge divine weapons, which shows how powerful a weapon spirit master is.

"It's a good idea, but we don't have that kind of skill, and we're not proficient in firing ceramics."

Xiao Zhang said truthfully that if it could be done, he would naturally be willing to cooperate with Yun Jinli.

"I don't know what your Xiao family is good at? Doesn't every family have the ability to be good at?"

Yun Jinli suddenly remembered this. She hadn't fully understood the abilities of the eight major families.

She knew that the Ye family controlled plants, the Nangong family was good at controlling beasts, the Dongfang family was good at using fire, and the Yu family controlled ice and snow.

"Our Xiao family has the spiritual power of gold, and the most common ones are weapon masters. They mainly forge hidden weapons. Of course, they also forge various weapons and magic weapons. I am a weapon master, but my favorite thing is cooking food."

Xiao Zhang said with a smile, their Xiao family is the largest weapon forge on the mainland, and all kinds of exquisite hidden weapons are priceless.

(End of this chapter)

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