Chapter 251 The Secret in Ziyu Xiao

"I didn't expect Brother Xiao to be an Artifact Spiritist."

Yun Jinli said in surprise, she never expected that Young Master Xiao, who likes to cook the most, is actually a magician.

"That's right! You just know it! Our Xiao family has the most weapon spirit masters. This should be known to everyone, but you are so stupid that you don't know."

Xiao Zhang shook his head, which deep mountain and old forest did she come from?

"I just didn't understand this, how stupid?"

Unconvinced, Yun Jinli said that she knew a lot about Longyuan Continent now. She had read a lot of knowledge about Longyuan Continent from the scrolls, and she was no longer the newcomer who just arrived.

"All right, all right! We Jin'er are not stupid, so do you know the secret of the Ziyu Xiao I gave you?"

Seeing her unconvinced look, Xiao Zhang thought she was a cardamom girl.

Usually she is always calm and rational, not mature like a girl.

"Have it?"

Yun Jinli took out the purple jade Xiao he had given, with the word Hanxi engraved on it, other than that, there was nothing special about it.

"This Ziyu Xiao was built by me myself, and it is the first hidden weapon that satisfies me."

Xiao Zhang said, took Ziyu Xiao from her hand, and taught her to use it himself.

"This is actually a hidden weapon? But I didn't find out how to use it."

Yun Jinli has owned this jade flute for a long time, but she really didn't discover its secret.

"This Ziyu Xiao can only show its power when playing a special tune. I didn't teach you that tune before, so you didn't trigger it. You should get out of the way first, so as not to get hurt."

Xiao Zhang held the jade flute and began to play, and as the sound of the flute resounded, a thin needle flew out of the ordinary purple jade flute, and then that needle turned into countless thin invisible needles and spread out like A rainstorm pear blossom.

"These needles are spirit-locking needles. As long as they are pierced, they will seal the spiritual power. I didn't teach you how to use them before, mainly because I was afraid that you might hurt yourself if you didn't control them well, so I just leave them as a souvenir for you."

He put the needles away with a magnet, and then returned Ziyu Xiao to Yun Jinli.

"Have you remembered this song? Do you need me to teach you again?"


It was only when Yun Jinli held the purple jade Xiao that she realized that she was holding a big weapon.

This hidden weapon is really astonishingly powerful, one can imagine how terrifying the Xiao family is.

Everyone is good at hidden weapons, it is really impossible to guard against.


Xiao Zhang only blew it once, for fear that she could not remember clearly.

"More real than real gold."

Yun Jinli nodded, she only needs to listen to it once to remember it completely.She has a photographic memory and an amazing talent in learning things.

"What is the ability of the Hua family?"

She took this opportunity to study hard.

"The Hua family is good at the spiritual power of water. The powerful illusionist can even control the rain. They are most powerful in rainy days. If you fight against them, it is best not to be near the water, otherwise they are almost invincible place."

Xiao Zhang said, telling her this important information.

"No wonder there is a huge pool in Huafu, and there are ponds everywhere."

Yun Jinli remembered that she visited Huafu once, and saw a big pool in the mansion. There seemed to be a powerful aura in that pool. She didn't get too close, but just glanced at it from a distance.

The Hua family is actually good at water. Fortunately, when she set the fire, she used kerosene, otherwise, it would have been extinguished immediately.

"Is there anything else you want to ask? Brother Xiao knows everything!"

Seeing her curious baby, Xiao Zhang said softly.

(End of this chapter)

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