The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 253 Is a Genius for Refining Weapons

Chapter 253 Is a Genius for Refining Weapons

"By the way, how much porridge do you cook? I have a big family living here!"

Yun Jinli remembered that Xiao DianDian and the others hadn't eaten yet, so she asked.

"Don't worry! I have cooked enough to save you the trouble of preparing. But you really should hire a cook here, otherwise you have to do everything yourself, you really can't be too busy."

Xiao Zhang took Yun Jinli to the kitchen.

"I don't need someone to wait on you. If you need it, you can find a maid."

Yun Jinli packed the porridge and sent it to the big kitchen, telling Liang Mei to call everyone to eat later.

"Take me to the residence of that Artifact Spiritist!"

"Why so impatient?"

Xiao Zhang listened to her urging many times, it seems that she was very anxious to meet the person who made the porcelain doll.

"I can't wait, but you can just take me there."

Yun Jinli has her own plan in mind, although she has many good ideas, but whether she can implement them depends on the actual situation.

"Speaking of that kid, he is a genius for refining weapons. Our Xiao family recruits all the refining masters in the world, but I recruited him privately, so he can be regarded as one of our own! It is not disclosed to the public which faction he belongs to, but It’s about letting him live freely.”

Xiao Zhang said as he walked, that he and the Artifact Spiritist were considered friends.

"Since he likes a free life, why did he join your Xiao family?"

Yun Jinli became more and more curious about the weapon master he was talking about, and felt that he should be a wonderful person.

"He just needs the refining resources of our Xiao family. Our Xiao family has the most abundant and huge refining resources in the mainland. This is also the reason why many weapon spirit masters want to join the Xiao family."

Xiao Zhang explained that in addition to his own clan, the eight major families of Longyuan will recruit talents from all over the world, so that they can grow stronger.

There will be one or two geniuses in many small families, but they don't have so many cultivation resources to cultivate, so they have a chance to succeed when they are sent to big families.

"He has a residence in Yunchuan City, but for most of the year, he spends most of the year looking for suitable refining materials. It is fate to meet him here this time."

"A person who allows you to get to know him specially should have his strengths."

Yun Jinli followed Xiao Zhang to a house, which was quite remote, but not too far from her residence.

Xiao Zhang knocked on the door, and after a while someone came to open the door.

What came into view was a gentle face. The man was dressed in blue, which gave people a rather refreshing feeling.

She had met this man a few times, but she had never spoken to him.

He was one of the few people who traveled with Nangong Lianyi, and she had seen him at the Sunset Inn.

"Young Master Xiao! Please come inside!"

Su Yehui said, he didn't know why the two of them came here suddenly, but he should invite them in first.

"Jin'er, his name is Su Yehui, he's a nice guy with a super nice personality, and he's easy to get along with."

Xiao Zhang introduced Su Yehui to Yun Jinli, not knowing that they had met before.

"She is Jin'er, her own!"

"Miss Jin!"

Su Yehui nodded towards Yun Jinli. He has a shy personality, and his voice is very magnetic, deep and pleasant, giving people a feeling of gentleness like water.

"Master Su!"

Yun Jinli greeted Su Yehui, and the two of them knew each other.

"Can I borrow some of your materials? I personally want to make a tea set."

She saw that the yard was quite complete with all kinds of strange materials, and she really came to the right place.

"Of course, Miss Jin, please go ahead."

Su Yehui nodded, she is Xiao Shao's own person, so it is not easy for him to refuse.

(End of this chapter)

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