Chapter 254 Definitely a Good Guy

"Jin'er, you've been messing around for a long time, and you're here to play in the mud!"

When Xiao Zhang saw Yun Jinli coming here, he went straight to the place where Su Yehui usually made porcelain dolls, showing a wry smile.

"I thought you were in a hurry to see Hui!"

"You call him Hui, so close! It seems that the relationship between you two is not simple!"

Yun Jinli rolled up her sleeves and began to choose materials.

"Brother Xiao, have you heard a word?"


Xiao Zhang asked curiously.

"Friendship between women begins with hating a woman together and ends with liking a man together."

Yun Jinli relayed to him what she had heard.

"Friendship between men begins with liking a woman together and ends with liking each other."

"Jin'er, what are you pretending to be in your head? Hui and I are pure friendship!"

Xiao Zhang gave her a white look, she really dared to think about it.

"The same sex is true love, and the opposite sex is only for reproduction. The gender is different, why are you in love? Brother Xiao, don't hide it, I understand."

Yun Jinli teased, leaving Su Yehui stunned and Xiao Zhang speechless.

"What kind of soil are these? The color and smell are completely different."

She was not clear about these materials, so she asked Su Yehui.

"This is deep sea red soil, this is moss mud between cliffs, this is snow mountain black soil..."

Su Yehui patiently introduced various soil materials to her, and she memorized them all after listening to them only once.

"Where does this soil come from? Why does it have a special fragrance?"

Yun Jinli discovered a very special kind of soil, which was born with a delicate fragrance, which smelled very good.

"Young Master Xiao brought this soil to me. I don't know where it came from."

Su Yehui shook his head, not knowing where it came from.

Xiao Zhang knows that he likes to collect all kinds of weird refining materials, so he often brings back some special materials for him.

"This is the soil I brought back from a forbidden area by mistake. There is a tea tree in that valley, so even the soil is soaked in the fragrance of tea."

Xiao Zhang replied that the forbidden area was too dangerous, and he almost couldn't come back.

That tea tree is also very special, extremely huge, with emerald leaves and ethereal fragrance of flowers.

He only smelled it once, and he couldn't forget it.

He glanced at the tea tree from a distance, but didn't dare to approach it at all.

Even so, he also experienced great dangers, and escaped from that deep valley with a narrow escape.

"Can this soil make me a tea set?"

Yun Jinli chose this soil, thinking it would be particularly suitable for making tea sets.

"Miss Jin, whatever you want, you can use all the materials here."

Su Yehui said generously, just like Xiao Zhang said, he is definitely a kind person.

"Jin'er, I see that you have chosen well, do you know how to refine weapons?"

Xiao Zhang asked casually, judging by her posture, she seemed to be a weapon psychic too.


Yun Jinli's blunt answer almost made them both overwhelmed.

"Don't you know it? Just teach me, I'll sell what I learn now."

"Although that is the case, how can you learn the refining tool in one go. Forget it, since you want to learn, then we will teach you."

Xiao Zhang doted on her a lot, so he taught her how to forge weapons.

Su Yehui is a very careful person, where he didn't give enough details, he would add on the sidelines.

"Artifact Spiritualist is a class higher than Illusory Spiritualist. They use their spiritual power to forge various artifacts. Some Artifact Spiritualists like to forge weapons, and some Artifact Spiritualists like to forge various magic weapons. According to the forging The materials and spiritual power are different, and the grades of forged objects are also different. If you want to refine magic weapons, the chance of failure is very high..."

(End of this chapter)

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