The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 259 Sanghai City Yunduan Mountain

Chapter 259 Sanghai City Cloud Breaks Thousands of Mountains

"I like this tea set very much."

Bei Chenjue couldn't put it down, every teacup on this table was made by Yun Jinli with great care, and every flower depicted on it was in full bloom at the tip of his heart at this moment.

"It's fine if you like it, I'm afraid you don't like it!"

Knowing that he likes to drink tea, Yun Jinli specially made this set of tea sets for him, as a return gift for the starry night bracelet he gave.

Although the values ​​of the two are different, their intentions are the same.

She doesn't have any valuables to give him now, except for a few treasures that recognize the Lord, she can't give him.

She planned to find some suitable materials for refining in the future, and then personally forge a protective object for him.

"How could I not like what you gave me?"

Bei Chenjue said silently in his heart, not daring to be so blunt, for fear of scaring her.

"I already know where the map pointed out yesterday."

He looked through the map of Longyuan Continent that day, and his hard work paid off, and he finally found it.

Although the map was only a small part, he knew the continent very well, so he was able to find it so quickly.

"Only relying on a small-scale map, you can find its location so quickly!"

Yun Jinli said in surprise that she had seen the map last night, but it was only a small area.To find such a small place in the vast continent is simply as difficult as climbing the sky.

"The terrain is quite strange. If there are no accidents, it should be in the Yunduanqian Mountain in Sanghai City."

Bei Chenjue was just guessing, based on the terrain around the map, he finally judged the approximate location of the spirit flower.

He has compared other places on the mainland, and although they have similar terrains, the most likely one is Cloud Breaking Thousand Mountains.

"Sanghai City, the clouds break through thousands of mountains."

Yun Jinli heard that these two place names were quite unfamiliar, so she glanced at Bei Chenjue suspiciously.

"Jue, is there anything special about this place? How could the euphyllum, which blooms once every 3000 years, appear there?"

"Yunduan Qianshan will be opened every ten years. It used to be an ancient battlefield, but it is quite dangerous. Utama is a kind of sacred flower. Yunduan Qianshan is rich in spiritual energy and suitable for cultivating holy flowers. Therefore, I think The record on this map may be true."

Bei Chenjue thought that someone had entered Yunduan Qianshan, and found You Epiphyllum inadvertently.

It's just that before the eucalyptus is in full bloom, it cannot be picked or moved, otherwise it is likely to wither, so that person just recorded the location and left it for future generations to find.

"Although this You Epiphyllum is a treasure, it is of no use to me."

Yun Jinli knew the legend of the Five Spirit Flowers, but she thought it was too difficult to collect all the Five Spirit Flowers, and the possibility was very small.

The last time I went to pick yin and yang flowers, I almost couldn't come back, so she didn't get overwhelmed for a while.

Her current strength is still very weak, even if she knows the existence of such a spirit flower, she will only keep it in her heart.

"It's getting dark, I hug Xiaodian and go down to rest."

Yun Jinli went downstairs with Xiao Dian Dian in her arms. The little guy fell into a deep sleep, and felt that she was hugging her, so she continued to sleep.

"Master, now that we know the whereabouts of the euplexia, why don't we pick them? I heard that the euplexia is the most holy smallpox, which can purify all curses. As long as we get the euplexia, the empress will be saved."

After Yun Jinli left, Xuezhan said to Bei Chenjue excitedly.

The owner has been looking for the whereabouts of You Epiphyllum these years, and now he finally found it.

"That's right! If you get You Epiphyllum, the Queen Mother will be able to live."

Bei Chenjue nodded, his brows still furrowed.

(End of this chapter)

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