The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 260 The Curse of the Ancient Galaxy Country

Chapter 260 The Curse of the Ancient Galaxy Country

"Master, since you have found the life-saving medicine for the empress, why are you still frowning?"

Xuezhan didn't understand what Bei Chenjue was worrying about, he should be very happy to know the whereabouts of You Epiphyllum.

"Xuezhan, knowing its whereabouts doesn't mean it's just in time to bloom. I'm afraid the queen mother won't be able to wait for it to bloom."

The worry in Bei Chenjue's heart is that even if he finds You Epiphyllum, it will not be ready to bloom.

"If the eucalyptus has never bloomed, it cannot be acted rashly. Otherwise, it will wither, disappear in the world, and take root in another place again. It will take another 3000 years."

"Even though the empress's body is still strong, time is running out. No matter what, we have to take a gamble."

Xuezhan has followed Bei Chenjue since she was a child, and knows about his mother's situation.

He knew why an urgent report from the empress could make Bei Chenjue rush back immediately.That's because the empress's time is numbered, and she may die at any time.

"Well, whether it's for Xiao Yunduo or for the queen mother, I have to gamble once!"

Bei Chenjue nodded, knowing that Xuezhan was right.

His mother's time is running out, and he has been trying to find a way to keep her alive these years.

"Master, I've read the records of the royal family. All the queens of the ancient country of the Galaxy did not live to be 40 years old. Is it really a curse?"

Xuezhan asked bluntly, he and Bei Chenjue are very close, there is no need to hide anything.

"I don't know if it's a natural or man-made disaster or a curse. But the queen mother's body is getting worse day by day. I can't let her follow in the footsteps of her predecessors."

Bei Chenjue didn't know what the reason was, but it was like a shadow shrouded them, preventing them from getting rid of this cursed fate.

None of the queens of the ancient galaxy lived past the age of 40, and all of them died young.

It was like an invisible curse, no one escaped bad luck.

His mother will soon reach the 40-year-old mark, and he dare not think about what will happen to his mother's fate if he does nothing.

"You Epiphyllum is a sacred flower, and it is also the hope of the Queen Mother's life. I will go into it to look for it when Yunduan Qianshan opens."

"Should I tell the mistress about this?"

Xuezhan felt that with Yun Jinli accompanying Bei Chenjue, he would feel more powerful.

"No need."

Bei Chenjue shook his head, the map was discovered by Yun Jinli, and he would tell her the location of You Epiphyllum if he wanted to.

Since she has no interest in You Epiphyllum, that would be great.

He didn't want her to take risks, Yunduan Qianshan was too dangerous, so he planned to go alone.

"Your Majesty, the Princess of Hua Mansion suddenly fell ill and is recruiting divine doctors for treatment. The other clans are all inquiring about the Longyuan Sacred Mansion, and there is no special movement."

Mo Yu told Bei Chenjue about the current situation in Yunchuan City, because of Yun Jinli's relationship, Bei Chenjue asked him to pay special attention to Huafu.

"The young master of the Hua family is missing now, and the Hua family is looking for his whereabouts everywhere."

"What's wrong with Princess Hua?"

Bei Chenjue knew that Yun Jinli's current identity was the abandoned daughter of the Hua family, presumably if she knew about her background, she would have conflicts with the Hua family.

He didn't intervene in their grievances, and only helped her when she needed it.

"I heard it was frightened."

The news Mo Yu got was that Princess Hua had been frightened, and now she locked herself in the room, feeling nervous.

"Well, you continue to pay attention to the situation of the various ethnic groups in Yunchuan City, and let me know if there is any other news."

Bei Chenjue nodded, he felt that the surprise of Princess Hua might have something to do with Yun Jinli.

She's never been one to be bored!

(End of this chapter)

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