Chapter 261 Is This Really Just a Dream?

"Little Yunduo, if I can't solve the mystery of the curse of the ancient galaxy, I won't dare to make you my queen."

Bei Chenjue said silently in his heart that he will definitely inherit the throne in the future, and there is only one candidate in his heart for the position of empress.

However, the shadow of the curse of the ancient galaxy for generations lingered on his heart like this, and he didn't dare to risk her life.

"Your Majesty, there is one more thing. Recently, some spies from Xinglou have lost contact with Xinglou for several days. I'm afraid it's more or less ominous."

Mo Yu said solemnly, you must know that every spy in their star building is a well-trained illusionist, and it is definitely not easy for people to lose contact one after another.

"I'll go back to the Star Tower."

Bei Chenjue decided to go and see the fate cards in the star tower in person, all the subordinates of Yunting Xingfu had fate cards hanging in the star tower.

Only their lord, Bei Chenjue, is qualified to inspect it.

"My lord, the places where they disappeared are all very similar. These missing spies all govern the same area."

Mo Yu followed Bei Chenjue, and then left the painting building.

After Yun Jinli took Xiaodiandian down, she sat on the couch and sewed clothes for Xiaodiandian.

His dress hadn't been sewn yet, and she had sewn it overnight, planning to give him a surprise when he woke up tomorrow.

After sewing the little clothes, Yun Jinli lay down and rested for a while.

After a busy day today, she was also a little tired, and fell asleep soon after lying down.

She rarely dreams, but this time she had a dream.

A woman's figure appeared in the dream, but she couldn't see the woman's appearance clearly.

"You are Xingyi's sweetheart? You are just a yellow-haired girl, how can you be as good as me?"

The woman's disdainful voice fell into Yun Jinli's ears.

It was a dream, but she didn't know the woman at all.

When she woke up and opened her eyes, she tried to remember the appearance of the woman in her dream, but she couldn't remember anything.

"Is this really just a dream? Who is Xing Yi?"

Yun Jinli didn't know why she had such a weird dream, but she subconsciously felt that this dream was unusual.

At the same time, at the other end of Yunchuan City, Hua Liuyan was sitting cross-legged on a futon, slowly opening her sharp eyes.

"Little girl, you can't beat me!"

The corners of Hua Liuyan's lips are raised, she can shuttle between dreams and reality, the Hua clan has the power to steal dreams, and can spy on everyone's dreams.

She is a dreamer and can even manipulate a person's dreams.This kind of ability made her feel that she would be invincible.

"It seems that this is just an excuse for Xingyi to get rid of the engagement. I don't believe he can really like this yellow-haired girl."

She said conceitedly, that is just a girl of thirteen or fourteen years old, how can she compare to her in her prime now?
"Miss, this time Longyuan Sacred Mansion will enroll students in Yunchuan City, and His Highness should also enter the Holy Mansion. Do you want Xi'er to arrange related matters?"

A maid heard the commotion inside and stepped in.

She is Hua Liuyan's personal maid, Hua Wanxi, who is delicate and pretty, dressed in goose-yellow clothes, and has more temperament than the young lady and princess of ordinary families.

"Xi'er, it's up to you to arrange it! There is something His Royal Highness wants in Longyuan Sacred Mansion, and he will definitely sign up for enrollment. When will Longyuan Sacred Mansion recruit students?"

Hua Liuyan said lightly that she has full confidence in entering the Longyuan Holy Mansion.

"Miss Qi, three days later, the envoys from the Holy Palace will arrive in Yunchuan City, and at that time they will announce the news of the recruitment to the world."

Hua Wanxi replied.

"Understood, you go down!"

Hua Liuyan glanced at her and told her to retreat.

(End of this chapter)

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