The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 272 There Will Always Be a Day When You Cry

Chapter 272 There Will Be a Day When You Cry

"If you show your sharpness and don't know how to restrain yourself, there will always be a day when you will cry!"

Patriarch Hua was furious, but he only dared to scold him, showing off his tongue.

If Bei Chenjue was really offended, it would be a disaster for the entire Hua family.

"Why is this stinky girl so lucky, there are people helping her everywhere!"

Nangong Lianyi said jealously, the people who helped her were all high-ranking people, why is her luck so good?
"gone back."

Nangong Muchen said, feeling surprised by Beichenjue's strength.

It seems that he wants to re-evaluate Bei Chenjue's strength. This person is unfathomable, and the strength he has shown now may not be his limit.

"I really don't know what is the background of that girl just now, so that Prince Beichen can protect her like this!"

"It must have a good history!"

"She looks very familiar. I remember that the Prince of Xiling also has friendship with this woman. By the way, there is also the young master of the Ye clan!"


Some people remembered that Yun Jinli had appeared in Zhuquelou, and everyone was deeply impressed by her at that time.

"She is most likely the Phoenix Qin Fairy."

"Really? That makes people even more curious."

Originally Phoenix Fairy had a great reputation, but now that Prince Beichen is protecting her so much, her identity has been covered with a layer of mystery.

Everyone used various forces to find out her identity, but no one could find out.

Who would have thought that she was the abandoned daughter of the Hua family who came back from the dead, and who would have thought that her soul was the queen of another continent?

In the Huafu, Hua Rumeng woke up from a nightmare. She dared not fall asleep at night and slept during the day, but she still had nightmares.

"Princess, the people from Liuge City are back."

When the servant girl saw her awake, she began to preach.

"Let them in."

Hua Simeng had a bad premonition in her heart, and immediately summoned the men she sent to find Hua Nu's body.

"Subordinates see the princess!"

The guard knelt down to salute, his body still wounded.

"Have you found the main thing in the county?"

Hua Simeng asked eagerly, jumping up immediately with hatred.

"Reporting to Princess Qi, the subordinates and others have searched the entire Liuge City, but they have not found her body. In addition, we were blocked, and the matter did not go smoothly."

The guard said tremblingly, now that he has not completed the task and returned, he does not know how Princess Hua will punish him.

"Useless trash! Get the hell out of here!"

When Hua Simeng heard the news, she shouted angrily.

If she hadn't been frightened and unwell now, she must have skinned him personally.

She lay powerlessly on the bed, as if all hope had been pulled out of her body.

"Yu Xuanfeng! I'm going to be your bride soon, but you just pushed me away. All of this is due to that bitch Hua Nu. If she hadn't hindered us, we would have achieved the right result long ago."

She said full of hatred, now that Hua Nu is still pestering her after she is dead, making her unable to live in peace.

"Is there any news about the spirit hunter who sent someone?"

She asked viciously, spirit hunters specialize in hunting all kinds of monsters and evil spirits, as long as there is a spirit hunter to take action, even if the flower slave turns into a ghost, it will be wiped out and cannot be reborn.

"I have already ordered people to pay a lot of money to invite them, and I believe they will arrive in Yunchuan City in a few days."

The maid said, with Patriarch Hua's love for Hua Simeng, he would naturally pay a huge price to invite the powerful spirit hunter for her.

Legend has it that spirit hunters only kill monsters and evil spirits. They are powerful and mysterious, but they will not take orders against ordinary people.

Wherever the spirit hunter goes, all evils retreat!

"Very good! That little bitch dared to seek revenge on me. I let her have no chance of reincarnation."

Hua Rumeng said proudly.

(End of this chapter)

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