The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 273 The Messenger of Longyuan Saint Palace

Chapter 273 The Messenger of Longyuan Saint Palace

The moon was hidden and the sun appeared, and when the hustle and bustle followed the night, Yunchuan City ushered in a new dawn.

Originally, the teahouses and restaurants in the streets and alleys were still talking about what happened yesterday, but suddenly a big news came out today, which overwhelmed the previous turmoil.

"The envoy of Longyuan Sacred Mansion has arrived at Yunchuan City!"

This news is like a whirlwind, whizzing past, sweeping across the entire Yunchuan City, and then spread to the entire Longyuan Continent at a fast speed.

The elites of various races who had already prepared to set off rushed towards Yunchuan City at full speed.

"Longyuan Sacred Mansion recruits new students. All young people under the age of [-] can sign up for the enrollment assessment. The enrollment location is South Street in Yunchuan City."

As the announcement was posted, all ethnic groups were excited.

The enrollment location of Longyuan Saint Mansion is set at South Street, because it is not crowded there, and even if it is there, it will not have too much impact.

I don't know if it's a coincidence or some reason, but the registration office of Longyuan Saint Mansion is not far from Jinyuelianhua.

The envoy from Longyuan Sacred Mansion came very suddenly and arrived at Yunchuan City just like that, which made everyone a little unbelievable for a while.

Until seeing the signboard of Longyuan Holy Mansion under the big tree, everyone guessed it was like waking up from a dream.

The registration team turned into a long queue, making South Street very lively all of a sudden.

There are also people who know that there are delicacies in Jinyuelianhua, so they wait here, which is better than being exposed to the sun outside.

"Lengjiu, Liangmei, can you two sign up and try?"

Standing on the third floor of Jinyuelianhua, Yun Jinli saw the bustling scene outside, and asked about their two siblings.

Leng Jiu shook his head, indicating that he did not want to go to Longyuan Saint Mansion.

He is not young anymore, even if he goes to Longyuan Saint Mansion, it doesn't make much sense.

The younger you go to Longyuan Holy Mansion, the more focused you will be trained.

In addition, his talent is not very high, it is better to live a down-to-earth life.

"My brother and I don't plan to sign up. We just want to live a peaceful and peaceful life. If Jin'er needs us to accompany you, it will be a sea of ​​fire, and we will accompany you."

Liangmei told the two of them what they thought, they just hoped to live a peaceful life, but if Yun Jinli needed their help, they would definitely do their best without any hesitation.

She spoke with sincerity and no insincerity.

"Since that's the case, are you willing to stay and help me manage this Jinyuelianhua?"

Yun Jinli asked, she knew that Xiao Zhang was also planning to go to Longyuan Saint Mansion, so she naturally found someone she trusted, and she felt relieved.

"We brothers and sisters are very happy to share Jin'er's worries."

Liang Mei and Leng Jiu exchanged glances, then nodded towards Yun Jinli.

"Jin'er, are you leaving?"


Yun Jinli replied affirmatively that she must go to Longyuan Saint Mansion.

There is a wider sky, which can also allow her to improve her strength and return to her homeland for revenge as soon as possible.

"There are still a lot of people now, I will help you watch, when there are fewer people, I will ask you to sign up."

Seeing the crowds of people outside, it would be unwise for Liangmei to go now.

This registration needs to be done by herself, so even if she wants to do it for her, she has no choice.

"No need, there are naturally many people in the past few days. I read the announcement and there are ten days to sign up. I'm not in a hurry."

Yun Jinli knew that there were the most people in the past few days, but there was no one behind, so she was not in a hurry.

Now under the tree are a few young men and women who are presiding over the registration. They are wearing the robes of the Longyuan Sacred Mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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