Chapter 281 Their target is me


The flames falling from all directions surrounded the two of them, there was no way to go to the sky, and there was no way to go to the earth.

Seeing that the other party wanted to kill her too, Xiling Ying showed anger in her eyes.

She knew that this must be an ambush set up by the same clan, and as for which emperor brother it was, she was not sure.But even her younger sister was not spared, she really felt chilled.

In the raging flames, four ghostly figures shuttled back, and after a while, both of them were injured, and the situation was very critical.

"These four are masters of the Phantom Spirit King level, and their strength is equivalent to that of the masters. And judging by their appearance, they are trained killers, and their moves are deadly!"

Xiling Ying felt their strength, and suddenly felt the breath of death enveloped them.

"There is another stronger than them, waiting in secret for an opportunity to deliver a fatal blow."

Xilingtian felt that besides these four killers, there was another aura of restraint, dormant in the dark.

"You break out and escape! Their target is me, even if you escape, they will not chase you down."

He condensed a wave of thunder spirit power in his hand, split a path, pushed Xiling Ying out, and then rushed in the opposite direction by himself.

Sure enough, the other party came after him, and after Xiling Ying was sent out, they didn't chase after him.

They were ordered to hunt down Xilingtian, and if Xilingying blocked them, they would naturally kill them as well.

"Little Uncle!"

Seeing that he even rescued her in such a critical situation, Xiling Ying's eyes suddenly turned red.

She wanted to help Xilingtian, but she was poisoned, and it was difficult for her to protect herself.

She sent out a distress call immediately, only hoping it would be too late.

Xilingtian's current strength has only partially recovered. If there is only one Phantom Spirit King, he can still retreat completely.

Now that the five phantom spirit kings were chasing him down, he was in a desperate situation.

During the battle between the two sides, many wounds were left on Xilingtian's body. These blades were all quenched with poison. As he circulated his spiritual power, the poison quickly invaded his body.

"You can't escape today, no one can save you!"

The leader of the assassins said, now that he has been poisoned, he is powerless to resist, how can he escape this fatal killing situation?

"Burn him to death with spiritual fire, turn him into ashes, and erase all traces!"


Spiritual fire rose from everyone's hands and fell towards Xilingtian's body. The dazzling flames in front of their eyes were scorching hot.

They didn't leave this place until everything was reduced to ashes.

"Boss, how should Princess Sakura deal with it?"

Someone asked, she escaped just now, and she didn't know if there would be any disaster left behind.

"Don't worry about it. A mere princess does not pose any threat to His Highness's great cause, so there is nothing to worry about."

The leader spoke, waved his hand, and everyone left the place.

"Finally caught up!"

Yun Jinli had just taken the opportunity to take away Xilingtian when the flames fell on them.

They could not imagine that in such a terrible flame, someone could come and go freely.

Yun Jinli has the Fire God Bead Yinghuo on her body, and no flames can harm her, so she successfully rescued Xilingtian.

Now they are in a cave, his condition is very bad, there are many wounds on his body, the most important thing is that he has been poisoned.

"Little girl, you stay here and guard him, I'll go find the antidote."

Yun Jinli sprinkled some medicinal powder to stop the bleeding on him, and was about to go out to find an antidote for him.

"Well, Miss Sister, don't worry, Diandian will protect Brother Xiaotian!"

Xiao DianDian responded obediently, seeing Xilingtian hurt so badly, he also felt uncomfortable.

"I will set up an enchantment at the entrance of the cave, don't come out."

Yun Jinli gave a warning and placed a barrier at the entrance of the cave before leaving the cave.

(End of this chapter)

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