Chapter 282

Yun Jinli observed the symptoms of Xilingtian's poisoning, and the poison he was poisoned was probably a kind of snake venom.

"I can't be sure what kind of snake venom the poison in Xiaotian is. I can only see if I can find the herbal medicine described in the "Poison Classic"."

When she was on the road, she had already used her spiritual power to force out most of the poison for Xilingtian, but the poison still penetrated into his body, so she had to find the antidote quickly to save him.

She is just a place where poisonous snakes haunt, and there is likely to be an antidote.

All things generate and restrain each other, so there is a reason for it.

She walked towards the depths of the mountain. This western mountain is rarely visited by people because there are many poisonous snakes in the valley here.

In order to prevent poisonous snakes from hurting people, the valley has been sealed off, but occasionally poisonous snakes slip out, which makes Xishan Temple very deserted.

The reason why Yun Jinli thought that Xilingtian would be here was because if the other party wanted to attack him, he would definitely choose a remote place, so she guessed it wasn't the temple with a lot of incense in the east.

She shuttled through the forest with light work and entered this valley.

The fog in the valley was very heavy, covered with tall grass blades, and large trees stood in the valley, giving off a somewhat gloomy look.

The sun outside seems to be unable to illuminate the valley. This place is in the shade at the foot of the mountain, so it gives people a cold feeling.


There was a sound in the grass, and Yun Jinli landed on a big tree, using her spiritual sense to investigate the situation here.

Although there are many poisonous snakes here, but fortunately they are not spirit beasts, and they cannot hurt her.

In the valley, she found a kind of orchid that looked like a small snake. The petals like white jade were curled on the green branches. The orchid had a faint fragrance, which made people feel refreshed.

There is a bit of poisonous gas in the air, but the fragrance of flowers has washed away the poisonous gas.

"This should be the jade snake orchid recorded in the book. It grows in the poisonous snake valley and has the effect of detoxification."

She hastened to pick orchids, she had been out for a long time, she had to save her as soon as possible.


A poisonous snake as long as a finger suddenly bit her finger.

The spiritual power of death surged all over her body, and the poisonous snake fled in fright, not daring to approach it at all.

There are two breaths of life and death condensed on her body, and now she can control them freely.Hurrying to see the terrifying aura on her body, it was like a rakshasa descending from hell, and the poisonous snakes all around hid.

They haven't cultivated spiritual wisdom yet, but they can sense the danger on her body.

After picking the jade snake orchid, Yun Jinli hurriedly left the valley.

When she returned to the cave at the first time, she was relieved when she saw that Xiaodiandian and Xilingtian were all fine.

"Miss, you're back! Brother Xiaotian's body is so hot!"

Xiaodiandian has been guarding Xilingtian's side all the time, and when he saw Yun Jinli coming back, he said worriedly.

"I'll detoxify him first."

Yun Jinli touched his head, it was indeed very hot.

She dissolved the medicinal power of the jade snake orchid with her spiritual power, and then integrated the medicinal power into his body.

The jade snake orchid neutralized the poison in his body, and his complexion gradually returned to normal.

"Here is not suitable for cultivation, let's take him back first."

Yun Jinli brought Xilingtian back to his residence and placed him on the bed in his previous room.

She untied his clothes, carefully treated his wound, and then applied ointment.

There are still Xilingtian's clothes in the closet here. She changed his clothes for him and burned the clothes that were stained with poisonous blood.

She sat aside and cooled him down with warm water towels until his body temperature returned.

"Little one, thanks to you this time."

Yun Jinli saw that his condition had stabilized a lot, and he finally saved his life.

If it wasn't for Xiaodiandian's premonition that Xilingtian was in danger, he might have died this time.

Xiaodian smiled shyly, he had just discovered that he still had the ability to predict.

(End of this chapter)

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