The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 283 Miss Sister, I've Grow Taller

Chapter 283 Miss Sister, I've Grow Taller

It's just that I don't know whether my predictive ability is effective or not.

Maybe this time, it was just a coincidence.

However, he vaguely felt that something had changed in him, and this change was developing in a good direction.

"Huh? Why do I feel that Xiaodiandian has grown a little taller?"

The clothes that Yun Jinli personally sewed for Xiao Diandian were originally just the right size, but now it seems that the sleeves and trousers are a bit shorter.

This change is not obvious, but it shows that he has grown taller.

"Wow! Young lady, I have grown taller!"

Xiao DianDian said happily, her eyes filled with joy.

He wants to grow up quickly so that he can protect the little sister.

"I haven't seen you grow up for so long, but recently you suddenly grew taller. Is there a special reason?"

Yun Jinli was thinking about this problem, and remembered Xiao Diandian's usual diet and daily life. The only change that happened was that she refined a elixir full of spiritual power for him.

"Is it because of the elixir? Will it cause bad damage to him?"

She was a little worried. After all, he was still a child. Although the pills were beneficial to the body, she didn't know if there were any bad side effects.

"Small, you go to sister Qinghe and ask her to help you check if you are in good health. I will guard Xiaotian here so that he will not have any accidents."

"Hmm! Miss sister, don't worry, our brother Xiaotian will definitely wake up."

Xiao DianDian was very familiar with this house, and there was no danger here, so he went to find Ruan Qinghe by himself and asked her to take a look, so that Yun Jinli could feel at ease.

"If Xiaobai is here, maybe he can see something."

Yun Jinli also didn't know that Bai Li was still safe now, he had a very powerful enemy, and his situation might not be optimistic.

She knew that Bai Li's departure should be related to that enemy.

She believed that Bai Li would be able to save the day, and they would have a chance to meet again.


A faint voice fell, and Yun Jinli held the towel in his hand and looked at Xilingtian.

Xilingtian struggled to open his heavy eyelids, the severe pain on his body had subsided a lot, and those clear pains made him sure that he was still alive.

The eyes didn't adapt to the light for a while, and the picture looked blurry.

What gradually became clear was Yun Jinli's unparalleled beauty and concern, so familiar and warm.


His dry lips murmured slightly, making a hoarse voice.

"Come on, drink some water!"

Yun Jinli quickly put down the towel, poured him a glass of water, helped him sit up to drink water, and put a pillow on his back.

After Xilingtian drank the water, his throat felt much better.

Seeing the surrounding environment, this is his residence.

"Why am I here? Did you save me?"

He was in a coma before, and he didn't know what happened. He only remembered that he was poisoned and was in danger.

"Xiaodiandian had a premonition that you were in danger, so we rushed over to find you. Fortunately, it was not too late."

Yun Jinli peeled a piece of fruit for him and asked him to eat something first.

"Aren't you injured? Those are the five Phantom Spirit Kings!"

When Xi Lingtian thought that Yun Jinli had saved someone from under the noses of the five phantom spirit kings, he couldn't help being startled, for fear that she would be injured.

"Isn't I in good shape? You still have the heart to worry about me, and you have your breath left. You can rest at my place for a few days, and I will help you try to notify the clansmen who can protect you!"

Yun Jinli is so smart, seeing the current situation in Xilingtian, it must be stabbed in the back by the clansman again.

Someone in their Xiling tribe is deliberately trying to get rid of him, but he is probably still a powerful person in the tribe.

She will help him return to the clan safely, and it will not be so easy for others to touch him.

(End of this chapter)

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