The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 298 It seems that there is a way to make money in refining medicine

Chapter 298 It seems that there is a way to make money in refining medicine

You must know that no matter where, there are very few talents who can refine high-star elixir.

Even though different continents call alchemists differently, it is undeniable that their status is very high.

In Longyuan Continent, these people are called medicine spirit masters, and the level of medicine spirit masters is determined according to the star rating of the pills they can refine.

Two-star pills are not uncommon, but they are very popular.

"There are ten elixirs in this bottle, and the starting price is [-]. As a top-grade [-]-star elixir, this elixir is very good in color and efficacy, so don't miss it. Bid now!"

The host took out a elixir, and everyone saw that the elixir reflected a faint soft light under the light, which looked like a crystal jade bead.

Anyone with knowledge knows that the ability to refine such fine-quality elixir shows that the refining technology is very high.

A faint medicinal fragrance wafted out, although it was not particularly strong, but the level of the two-star elixir was already at its limit.

"I'll pay 15 million!"

Immediately, someone wanted to buy this bottle of elixir. This kind of elixir for strengthening the body can be bought even if there is no illness or disaster.

"17 million!"

"18 million!"


The price is getting higher and higher, everyone comes from all ethnic groups, no matter how poor they are, they still have hundreds of thousands of them with them.

Therefore, the auction of this elixir was extremely hot, which surprised Yun Jinli.

"It's really good to have a bottle of this elixir with you, but the competition is so fierce that I'm afraid to make a move."

Su Yehui shook his head, seeing the attitude of the crowd, the price of this pill should be at least close to 100 million.

Ordinary two-star elixir is not so expensive, mainly because this elixir is refined very well, and its quality and efficacy are comparable to three-star elixir, so it is very popular.

"You don't need to bid, I'll give you a bottle!"

Yun Jinli took out a bottle and handed it to Su Yehui.

"Could it be you who refined this elixir?"

Su Yehui said in surprise, seeing that the bottles that Yun Jinli took out were exactly the same as the ones auctioned above, he recognized that they were a batch of small bottles that she specially made last time.


Yun Jinli nodded, and she had nothing to hide when she refined the two-star elixir.

This is not a big deal, there are still a lot of medicine spirit masters of this level.

"The entry-level pharmacist is here, you can accept this pill if you don't mind it!"

"The star rating of this pill is indeed not high, but how old are you! You are already a two-star medicine spirit master at such a young age. Still not deeply affected?"

Su Yehui exclaimed, such a young medicine spirit master is likely to become a high-star medicine spirit master in the future.

There are very few Gao Xingling pharmacists on the mainland, and at the same time, their status is particularly high.

They are the group of people who are most short of money, and also the group of people who are least short of money.

Because the high-star elixir they refine can be sold at sky-high prices, so they are very rich.However, the spiritual herbs they need to refine the elixir are usually priceless, so it will cost a lot to collect all the ingredients for refining the medicine.

"You see, the auction price has already reached 80 yuan, and I have taken advantage of it."

He said a little embarrassedly.

"If you feel that you have taken advantage of it, I will ask you to make some small objects another day. Don't refuse then!"

Yun Jinli said.

"That's fine, what do you want to do?"

Su Yehui asked.

"I haven't thought about it yet, I'll tell you when I think about it!"

Yun Jinli smiled mischievously and blinked her eyes, she was smart and cute.

She felt that she was taking advantage of it, and it was a rare opportunity for this talented weapon psychic to make things for her.

At the same time, she didn't expect that the elixir she refined was so valuable. If Xiao Diandian said that the jelly beans she ate every day were this elixir, someone would shake their hands and scold them for being a prodigal!
It seems that there is a way to make money in refining medicine!
(End of this chapter)

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